Permanent Death
In role-playing games, both for tabletop and computer, permadeath (or permanent death) is a gameplay mechanic in which player characters that die are permanently dead and removed from the game and may no longer be used to play. Less common terms with the same meaning are persona death and player death. Normally, sojourn allows characters who are killed to be resurrected to a playable state, usually through surgical revival or round restart, but in rare circumstances, admins may make a ruling to permanently kill a character.
Rules of Character Bans
There are sometimes things that just go too far, even for a station of ancap sovereign citizen weirdos. As such, sometimes characters may be removed temporarily or permanently from the station at the discretion of admins. This punishment should only ever be issued for IC actions, or breaking IC rules such as Laws or Standard Operating Procedure. If you broke one of the out-of-character Rules, you will just get an actual ban on your account instead.
With a character ban, instead of being banned entirely from playing a certain job or playing the server at all, only a specific character of yours is not allowed to be seen. Note however that ignoring character bans is grounds for an actual (usually permanent) OOC ban for violating rules against godmodding.
Players may choose to temporarily or permanently kill their own characters for literally any reason, but this will not be enforced by admins. This is up to only the players involved, and admins will not support the enforcement of player-made temporary/permanent kills.
Temporary and Permanent deaths/removals have different rules attached to them. They are explained below:
Permanent Deaths
A permakill (PK) is for a scenario in which a character would never be allowed to believably return to the station. Examples include crimes* like mutiny, terrorism, mass murder, (etc), or exceptional stupidity during events (such as jumping into a bluespace rift).
* For crimes, whether or not you are actually captured/killed is not relevant. If your identity is known by the colony, you cannot return to the colony while a PK is active, even if you escape alive, because the blackshield and marshals would still prevent you from ever coming to the station through normal means.
For a PK to be valid, it must adhere to these rules:
- For all other situations, any player who's character risks permadeath for their actions must have been reasonably warned in advance. This may be done through warnings on the wiki like in Laws, or explicitly stated through admin PM, OOC announcements, LOOC, or other OOC means while in-game. Whatever the method used, an admin must make a reasonable effort to warn you out-of-character before the PK can be done. A warning should be done while there's still a chance for you to avoid the PK, such as by surrendering, or by backing out of an ongoing event, or otherwise not doing what stupid action would risk getting you PKed. If you ignore the warning or are not paying attention, that's your problem, not the admin's.
- If you choose to continue with actions that might get you PKed, whether or not you do get PKed depends on how lucky or clever you are. You've made a conscious choice to step off the deep end, so whatever happens next is on you.
- Deliberate suicides that are not revived through surgery will always result in a PK. Usually they're OOC bans for breaking the server Rules, but even when they don't break any OOC rules, suicides are still PKs unless told otherwise. Consider this your in-advance warning to avoid PK.
- Once you are PKed, you should probably delete/overwrite the character who was PKed, just to make sure you don't accidentally log in as them again, unless you plan to make an appeal.
Temporary deaths (and suspensions)
A Tempkill (TK) or Suspension is for a scenario in which a character would not be allowed to believably return to the station for a finite duration of time. Examples include serious violations of Standard Operating Procedure, various crimes*, or varying levels of stupidity during events.
* For crimes, whether or not you are actually captured/killed is not relevant. If your identity is known by the colony, you cannot return to the station while a TK is active, even if you escape alive, because the marshals and blackshield would still prevent you from coming to the station through normal means. Escaping successfully might even result in the TK being turned into a PK. Consider this your in-advance warning to avoid PK.
For a TK to be valid, it must adhere to these rules:
- Tempkills do not require advanced warning. To avoid tempkills and suspensions, simply don't be an idiot.
- TKs and suspensions generally cannot be longer than one real-life week. If it goes beyond that, the admin probably should have banned you instead.
- Once you are TKed, just wait for the TK to expire. You don't have to delete any characters.
Appealing PKs/TKs
Appeals for PKs and TKs work differently than normal bans. Where normal bans often just look for an apology and owing up to wrongdoing, the only valid reasons to have a PK/TK lifted are either that the character ban was issued unfairly and in violation of these rules, or you can come up with a believable reason why your character would come back prematurely.
If you think you have a valid reason to appeal, you can make an appeal on the same discord where we make normal appeals.