Basic Construction

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If you want to do any job like Guild Adept you need to know how to build and subsequently deconstruct things.

For a full list of things you can construct and take apart, see the Guide to Construction.

What You'll Need

Basic Tools

Before you can begin any construction or deconstruction, you need to gather a few useful tools.

These tools can be found in any blue mechanical toolbox on the colony, or printed from an Autolathe.

Found in: Toolboxes, autolathes, tool closets
Used for: Opening unpowered doors, bashing heads in, prying materials out of broken machinery.
Usable by any Free Man.

Found in: Toolboxes, autolathes, tool closets
Used for: Opening machinery panels, eye gouging, adjusting suit sensors on clothing.
Strategy: Must be used to remove wood floors if you want to preserve the planks.
Not the drink.

Found in: Toolboxes, autolathes, tool closets
Used for: Welding/Unwelding doors, breaking glass panes, reforming glass shards, lighting cigarettes dangerously. Also burning things.
Strategy: Get a welding helmet/goggles unless you hate your eyes. Make sure the tool is off before you refill it from the tank.
The flame, it burns!

Found in: Toolboxes, autolathes, tool closets
Used for: Cutting wires, cutting apart grilles, cutting apart people.
Like a scissors, but mechanical.

Found in: Toolboxes, autolathes, tool closets
Used for: Securing/Unsecuring gas tanks and machinery, fitting pipes, bludgeoning people.
Adjustable, since nobody wants to carry around a million sizes of wrench.

Found in: Autolathes, tool closets
Used for: Cutting up furniture or wood.
Strategy: Mostly used to deconstruct dirty lockers into valuable metal.
Technically a hacksaw.


To build anything you need materials, the two main materials are Metal Metal.png and Glass Glass.png, these can be found around the colony, ordered from the Cargo Technician or salvaged from parts of the colony itself. If Gardeners are growing tower caps, you will have planks Planks.png to build with.

Basic Materials

Found in: Everywhere, if you're destructive enough. Also mining.
Used for: General Construction
Strategy: Stacks into 120.
Too much carbon to be iron, not enough carbon to be steel.

Found in: Everywhere, if you're destructive enough.
Used for: General Construction
Strategy: Stacks into 120.
Intermediary construction material. Used to make Reinforced Glass and table frames.

Found in: Windows, fancy tables. Also mining as well.
Used for: Construction of windows.
Strategy: Stacks into 120.
Weld glass shards back into sheets of this.

Wood Planks
Found in: Botany, Public Garden
Used for: Making fancy wooden furniture and constructions.
Strategy: Stacks into 120. Make ramshackle barriers for that zombie movie feel.
Check for Tower Caps in Botany or the gardens, carve up the resulting logs with a hatchet or saw.

Advanced Materials

Glass r.png
Reinforced Glass
Found in: Secure Windows, wherever glass and rods are together.
Used for: Construction of secure windows.
Strategy: Stacks into 120.
Weld glass shards back into sheets, add rods to taste.

Found in: Botany, Science
Used for: Making plastic things.
Strategy: Stacks into 120. Mostly for autolathes.
Check for Plastellium sprouts in the gardens, or bother Lonestar or Science.

Metal r.png
Found in: Mining, Robotics, autolathes
Used for: Making much more secure metal constructions.
Strategy: Stacks into 120. Makes the most secure walls ever. Can be salvaged from items inserted into an autolathe.
Mining sometimes has trouble making this with the smelter. Prepare to pay.

For any fancier metals, you'll likely want to inquire with Lonestar. Once you have your tools and material you can start building.



Object Requires Uses
Chair.png Chair Metal.pngx1
  • Decoration
  • Electric Chair
  • Chair Cuffing
  • Buckling in
  • Stand where you want the chair.
  • Pick up some metal.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select chair from menu.



Object Requires Uses
Stool.png Stool Metal.pngx1
  • Decoration
  • Stand where you want the stool.
  • Pick up some metal.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select stool from menu.



Object Requires Uses
Table.png Table or Woodtable.png Wooden Table Metal.pngx1 and any other stacked material x1
  • Decoration.
  • Tabling.
  • Ghetto Surgery.
  • Placing items on.
  • Pick up some steel sheets.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select table frame from menu.
  • Use either steel or another material to add plating to the table frame.


Object Requires Uses
File:R-table.png Reinforced Table Metal.pngx1
  • A table with added security
  • Follow the instructions above to create metal table parts
  • Hold the stack you're using to reinforce the table in your hands.
  • Drag the stack from your hands onto the table.

Object Requires Uses
Closet.png/File:Crate.png Locker/Crate Metal.pngx5/Plastic.pngx5 (for crates, optional)
  • A place to put your junk.
  • Grab some metal
  • Use metal in hand
  • Select Storage, then Locker or Crate as needed.


This is the standard type of wall found around the colony, they are easy to construct and remove but are not as strong as reinforced walls. They also come in the hidden variety.

Object Requires Uses
Wall.png Normal Wall Metal.pngx4
  • Keeping people out.
  • Keeping people in.
  • Keeping people from going places.
  • Stand where you want the wall.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select girder from the menu.
  • Click the girder again.

EWelder.png,EWrench.png/Ecrowbar.png (To dislodge instead of deconstruct)

Object Requires Uses
Wall.png Low Wall Metal.pngx4
  • Keeping people out. Kinda.
  • Keeping people in. Sort of.
  • Keeping people from going places. Unless they really want to.
  • Stand where you want the wall.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select girder from the menu.
  • Click the girder again.

Hidden Walls

Object Requires Uses
Wall.png Hidden Wall Metal.pngx4
  • Almost undetectable escape route.
  • Otherwise, same as normal wall.
  • Stand where you want the wall.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select girder from the menu.
  • Click the girder holding a crowbar.
  • Click the girder holding the metal.

Reinforced Walls

This is the reinforced type of wall found in secure areas of the colony, they are reasonably simple to construct, but are very time consuming to remove. They also come in the hidden variety.

Object Requires Uses
R wall.png Reinforced Plasteel Wall Metal.pngx2 Metal r.pngx4 Screwdriver tool.png
  • Keeping people in and out of high security areas.
  • Keeping people from going into secure places.
  • Stand where you want the reinforced wall.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select girder from the menu.
  • Use the screwdriver on the girder to begin reinforcing.
  • Click on the girder with the reinforced metal to reinforce it.
  • Click the girder again with the last piece of reinforced metal.

Hidden Reinforced Walls

Object Requires Uses
R wall.png Hidden Reinforced Wall Metal.pngx2 Metal r.pngx4 Screwdriver tool.png
  • Almost undetectable escape route.
  • Otherwise, same as reinforced wall.
  • Stand where you want the hidden reinforced wall.
  • Click the metal in hand.
  • Select girder from the menu.
  • Click the girder holding a crowbar.
  • Use the screwdriver on the girder to begin reinforcing.
  • Click on the girder with the reinforced metal to reinforce it.
  • Click the girder holding the reinforced metal.


Windows come in 2 types: Full and One Direction. Full is basically a weaker, see-through and shoot-through wall, while one direction allows the square it is on to be entered from any direction, except the direction it's facing.

Object Requires Uses
Glass panel.png Glass wall.png Windows Glass.pngx2
  • Full: See Wall. Usually only used if you don't have enough.

for 2-4 one directions or the metal for a wall.

  • One Direction: Stops movement only from the way it faces.
  • Click the glass in hand.
  • Select Full or One Direction from the menu.
  • Drag where you want it.
  • Rotate to the direction you want, if one directional.
  • Click holding screwdriver.

amount needs to be corrected

Reinforced Windows

Reinforced Windows come in 2 types: Full and One Direction. Full is basically a weaker, see-through and shoot-through wall, while one direction allows the square it is on to be entered from any direction, except the direction it's facing.

Object Requires Uses
Glass panel r.png Glass wall r.png Secure Windows Glass r.pngx2
  • Full: See Wall. Usually only used if you don't have enough

for 2-4 one directions or the metal for a wall.

  • One Direction: Stops movement only from the way it faces.
  • Click the reinforced glass in hand.
  • Select Full or One Direction from the menu.
  • Drag where you want it.
  • Rotate to the direction you want, if one directional.
  • Click holding screwdriver.


Grilles are usually used in combination with directional windows. They allow gases and energy rounds to pass through them, but stop other objects. They can also be electrified for high security areas.

Object Requires Uses
Grille.png Grille Rods.pngx2
  • Keeping people in or out.
  • Securing an area with electrified grilles.
  • Stand where you would like the grille to be placed.
  • Click the metal rods in hand.


You cannot construct wires. They are only available right now from yellow tool boxes, or scattered about the colony's construction and storage areas.

  • All wires are electrified if connected to a power net (a charged SMES battery is attached to the wire), and you will get fried if you touch them.
  • Insulated gloves negate any electrical shocks to the player.
  • Budget Insulated gloves have a chance to do nothing, completely insulate, or cause DOUBLE damage. Check to see how lucky you feel.

Let's say you have the following situation to fix:

How Do I Wire?

Wires are directionally dependent on where you set them down, and will apply adjacently to each "tile" you are standing by. Wires will always face inwards to you, sort of like this:

File:Wire laying1.PNG

This image was made by standing in the center tile with a wire coil in hand and clicking on all 8 surrounding tiles.

In situations where you can't place a wire like this you have an alternative way. Just stand on a tile, face the direction you want it to go (ctrl+arrow key) and click the tile you're standing on.

File:Wire laying2.PNG

This image was made by standing on the tile, pressing ctrl + left arrow key and then clicking the tile. The cable coil was in my active hand.

Dot Wiring

Let's say you have a situation that you need to fix:

File:Wiring situation.png

The easiest method of wiring is dot-wiring. Also known as unsmooth or non-smooth wiring.

Fixing this is simple:

File:Wire 1 1.PNG -> File:Wire 1 2.PNG -> File:Wire 1 3.PNG. Done.

You just position yourself properly and click the tile to lay down wire. Make sure you click on the plating (floor) and not the already laid wire. This is because:

File:Wire 2 1.PNG + File:Wire 2 2.PNG = File:Wire 2 3.PNG

This might look about the same as in the previous image, however it's not. In the previous image your ending result had three pieces of wire, one going from the east to the center, one going from the north to the center and one going from the west to the center. In this situation you have two pieces of wire. One going east to west and one going north to center. The two wires don't meet in the center, because the horizontal wire is going east-west without it having a point (or dot) in the center.

Smooth Wiring

Just click on wires that are "knotted" at on end (you just need to click on the wire, not the little knotted dot). Smooth wires do not power other wires on their same tile. So make sure to apply to the source wire, or the connective tip.

To fix this situation with smooth wire you'll have to follow the steps:

File:Wire 1 1.PNG -> File:Wire 3 2.PNG -> File:Wire 3 3.PNG -> File:Wire 3 4.PNG. Done.

In this method you first lay one cable to go from one of the directions to the center (image 1). You then position yourself in another direction and click on the already laid wire piece (and not the floor!). This will make the already placed piece and the new piece combine into one smooth piece of wire (image 2). You then place another piece to go from the last remaining direction to the center (image 3) and click it from the last direction to make a 2nd smooth piece of wire (image 4).

This method often uses up more wire than dot-wiring, but it's prettier and usually preferred.

Cut the Wire

Use wire cutters to trim wires! Simple as that.

  • Wear insulated gloves if you value your life.

Wire-net reset

This is byond's attempt to "reset" the whole power net in order to deal with new/ removed wires that shift the power value of a whole system. It will cause APCs to stop charging for a moment, and in huge nets it can shut down the charging of all APCs for a while.

  • Don't mess with wires unless you have to, it causes problems to everyone in both OOC (due to potential lag) and IC (power loss).


How do I get pipes?

Pipes are only constructed from pipe dispensers in atmospherics. To use a pipe dispenser, follow these steps:

  1. Put dispenser in a powered area.
  2. Wrench Dispenser to lock it into place.
  3. Click on the pipe dispenser with an empty hand and select the pipes you wish to use.
  4. You have a pipe to play with now.
  5. Wrench dispenser to make it mobile once more.

Placing and Removing Pipes


  1. Rotate the pipe to the direction you wish the pipe to be in.
  2. Use a lit welder to fuse the pipe to the ground.

Gas Pipes

  1. Rotate the pipe to the direction you wish (pay attention to gas pumps as they are direction dependent).
  2. Wrench into place.
  3. Turn on the pipe if necessary.

How to Remove a Pipe

  1. Perform the step you used to set the pipe into place in reverse (make sure the pipe is powered off).
  2. Brace for any junk that might blast out of the pipe.