Guide to Absolutism

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Guide to the Church of Absolutism

Summary of Absolutism

The Church of Absolutism, summarized; Are essentially somewhat heretical Space Christians, but with math. All things have started, will progress, and will finally end in a single way, and all other religions are but facets and somewhat distilled permutations of the one, Absolute faith. Call it destiny if you like, but all is inevitable.

For the complete lore see: Church of Absolute

Absolutism Equipment

These are the basic items all followers of the Church of Absolutism.

Item Description
Cruciform - The cornerstone of Absolutism, it is necessary to use litanies from the Absolutist Bible. It violently detaches all augments and prosthetics from a body when implanted and activated. Baptizing Changelings gibs them. Forcibly removing the cruciform causes the wearer to instantly die.
Ritual Knife - A ritual focus, not needed at all, but can be used as a prop. Also makes for a handy holdout weapon in a pinch.
Cahors - Church wine. The most effective anti-toxin on the whole colony, but in limited quantities. Can be purchased in TheoMat, or be found inside a Cahor barrel at the ritual room.

Absolutism Machinery

Machine Description
Biomatter tank large.png
Biomatter Tank - Used to store biomatter created from the bioreactor. With these tanks you may turn the biomatter into biomass for use of the printer, or use the biomatter to fuel the biogenerator and fill the bio container.
TheoMat - This will sell you everything you need to worship God. Bible.png - 500 credits. Cahorbottle.png - 200 credits. And candles for 200 credits. Hides inside it some extra Cruciforms if you hack it.
Obelisk - This Obelisk will only activate when those with Cruciforms are within the room or nearby. It will eliminate roaches and spiders for use as biofuel. [Editor Note: Verify what other mobs are killed.]
Bioreactor - This machine allows you to dissolve anything organic and turn it into biomatter. This biomatter can be used to create NT specific items using the bioprinter, fill the biomass container to power the biogenerator.
Biogenerator - Use biomatter created from the bioreactor to power the chapel separately from the main power grid, or if you're benevolent enough, power the colony with the biomass from the creatures found in maintenance or the jungle. Possibly petition Lonestar or the Gardener for a mutually beneficial agreement with chickens and cows.
Solidifier - Use this machine, located upper left of the Bioreactor room, to turn the liquid biomatter into solid biomass to be used in the bioprinter. How to use; Simply bring over a canister, place it on the tile above of the solidifier and Click+Drag the canister towards the solidifier.
Bioprinter - Used to craft Absolutist related items with the disk. It is, essentially, an autolathe for followers that uses biomass to create items.


These are ritual phrases that benefit followers who recite them. The energy provided from the cruciform will be used upon using these, which will return over time. Each cruciform is different based on your rank in Absolutism. It's good courtesy to not use litanies such as Atonement or Deprivation against people higher in the Church than you.

  • Acolytes, and other ordinary believers have 50 Energy
  • Confessor has 80 Energy
  • Crusader has 100 Energy
Name Description Text

Baptism Litanies

Prayer of Reunion Spawns a new cruciform for new worshippers or those who have had theirs destroyed. Ego enim scio cogitationes quas cogito super vos, ait Dominus Deus: Non est
Commitment Litany which will command a cruciform to connect to the chest of new follower. After that, you can activate the cruciform with Epiphany and baptize someone. It causes damage to the chest and some bloodloss. Unde ipse Dominus dabit vobis signum
Epiphany Litany which will activate an installed cruciform and finish the baptism of a new believer. It works for any Brother_Chaplain, but is likely best used by an officiating Confessor. To make it work you need place a naked person on the altar, and while looking at him, recite this litany. After the cruciform is installed and activated, use a bandage on the chest, since installation creates minor wounds. Activation of a cruciform will cause ALL augments to fall off, and will also gib changelings. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti.

Healing Litanies

Relief Short litany, weakens pain much like a painkiller. Et si ambulavero in medio umbrae mortis non timebo mala.
Convalescence An upgraded pain relief litany. Dominus autem dirigat corda vestra in caritate Dei et patientia deus.
Succour Heal another disciple in range. Venite ad me, omnes qui laboratis, et onerati estis et ego reficiam vos.
Divine Hymn Heal every other colonist in range. Note: Citizens MUST be able to both see and hear the speaker. Can only be recited once every 15 minutes. Using this prevents other prayers of healing from use for a time. Ora pro nobis, qui non noverunt viam, hi sunt amissa, sed quia dilexit.
Soul Hunger Litany of pilgrims, relieves you of some of your hunger but also gives a small ammount of toxins. Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie.

Group Litanies

Pounding Whisper Gives a temporary increase to the stat "Mechanics" to everyone who hears you. This buff will stay for ten minutes. Vocavitque nomen eius Noe dicens iste consolabitur nos ab operibus et laboribus manuum nostrarum in terra cui maledixit Dominus.
Revelation of Secrets Gives a temporary increase to the stat "Cognition" to everyone who hears you. This buff will stay for ten minutes. Quia Dominus dat sapientiam et ex ore eius scientia et prudentia.
Lisp of Vitae Gives a temporary increase to the stat "Biology" to everyone who hears you. This buff will stay for ten minutes. Ecce ego obducam ei cicatricem et sanitatem et curabo eos et revelabo illis deprecationem pacis et veritatis.
Canto of Courage Gives a temporary increase to the stat "Robustness" and "Toughness" to everyone who hears you. This buff will stay for ten minutes. Huic David ad te Domine clamabo Deus meus ne sileas a me nequando taceas a me et adsimilabor descendentibus in lacum.
Commitment to Determination Gives a temporary increase to the stat "Vigilance" to everyone who hears you. This buff will stay for ten minutes. Cor meum et caro mea, potest deficere, sed non in viribus Deus cordis mei et pars mea Deus in aeternum.

Punishment Litanies

Penance Inflicts pain upon the target. Mihi vindicta <target>.
Atonement Inflicts extreme pain upon the target. Piaculo sit <target>!

Utility Litanies

Deprivation Litany which will command a cruciform to detach from the chest. It's important, because it's the simplest way to remove a cruciform from a corpse. It doesn't need an altar to be used, only a dead body. Et revertatur pulvis in terram suam unde erat et spiritus redeat ad Deum qui dedit illum.
Curaverunt Spawn an upgrade kit used to restore a cruciform to it's devout status. Dominus manum meam pro damnato in ovile redire voluerit.
Initiation Grant a promotion to a disciple, upgrading them to devout status. Habe fiduciam in Domino ex toto corde tuo et ne innitaris prudentiae tuae, in omnibus viis tuis cogita illum et ipse diriget gressus tuos.
Baptismal Record Prints a Church Record of people who are baptized, that is to say, tells you all the Absolutists on the colony. Memento nomina...
Entreaty Call for help, this can be heard by other Absolutism believers. Deus meus ut quid dereliquisti me.
Reveal Adversaries Gives you information about your environment. Most of the time it tells you about roaches and other aggressive monsters and traps. Very rarely it can reveal to you that somewhere around you hides a changeling. Et fumus tormentorum eorum ascendet in saecula saeculorum: nec habent requiem die ac nocte, qui adoraverunt bestiam, et imaginem ejus, et si quis acceperit caracterem nominis ejus.
Sending Send a message through the ether, to another disciple. Audit, me audit vocationem. Ego nuntius vobis.

Machinery Litanies

Litanies that can be used by any in the church, focusing on the Bioreactor and the Biogenerator.

Name Description Text
Power Biogenerator Song A ritual that can activate or deactivate the Biogenerator's power functions. You must be in front of the metrics screen for this litany to work. Dixitque Deus: Fiat lux. Et facta est lux. Et lux in tenebris lucet, et renebrae eam non comprehenderunt.
Bioreactor Solution Pump's Lullaby This ritual can pump solution in or out of the bioreactor's chamber. You must be in front of the bioreactor console for this litany to work. Nihil igitur fieri de nihilo posse putandum est.
Bioreactor Chamber's Words This ritual to open or close the bioreactor chamber. You must be in front of the bioreactor console for this to work. Constituit quoque ianitores in portis domus Domini ut non ingrederetur eam inmundus in omni.


Litanies penned to be specifically used in large groups, boosting the selected stat for 3, with a bonus of +1 for each participant included.

Name Description
Mechanical A sermon that increases MCH.
Cognition A sermon that increases COG.
Biology A sermon that increases BIO.
Robustness A sermon that increases ROB.
Toughness A sermon that increases TGH.
Crusade This litany enables Crusade doctrines to disciples. Depends on participant numbers.

Confessor Litanies

These litanies are usable by Confessors, Crusaders and Inquisitors due to their power requirement.

Name Description Text
Scrying Look through the eyes of another devout for half a minute. Very taxing, and notifies the target. Ecce ego ad te et ad caelum. Scio omnes absconditis tuis. Vos can abscondere, tu es coram me: nudus.
Asacris Litany that will remove any upgrades from the believer. Almost useless, but can be used by Inquisitors to remove the current Confessor. But also, Confessor can use it to make some of believers safer by removing the Crusader upgrade. A caelo usque ad centrum.

Using the Bioreactor

The Bioreactor is used to turn all organic items and things into biomatter, this includes dead bodies, clothing, armor, and critters such as roaches and spiders. The conveyor is linked to Cargo's disposal system and a biomatter sorter will determine what can be used, and will filter it into the bioreactor platform. The input machine left of the console will determine what is accepted into the bioreactor, and what is not.

Will turn all organic things into biomatter.

This guide will explain how to use the great bioreactor.

1. Recite the "Bioreactor Chamber's Words" to open the doors for the bioreactor.

2. Place whatever large organic items (Corpses) you have within the glass (On the platform).

3. Recite the "Bioreactor Chamber's Words" once more to close the doors to the bioreactor.

4. Recite the "Bioreactor Solution Pump's Lullaby" to enable the pump, injecting a solution into the chamber to dissolve organic items into usable biomatter, and enable the input chute. Organic items on the conveyor will be funneled onto the platform for extraction. The resulting biomatter will be stored into the large tank to the right of the chamber.

Bioreactor full.pngNt bioreactor solution.png

5. Open the reactor console to view how much biomatter was collected, then recite the "Bioreactor Solution Pump's Lullaby" again to pump out the solution from the chamber. Any contents that cannot be dissolved will be discarded just above the tank in their most basic form, ie: armor will give you steel sheets.

6. Walk towards the tank connected to the chamber and touch it. This will move the tank into a lower position, then wrench a large or medium biomatter canister to the tank. The tank will immediately begin filling the canister until it is either full, or has no more biomatter in store. Use the console to check how much biomatter is left in the tank.

Bioreactor tankfilling.png

7. After your canister is filled, unwrench it from the tank and you may now use the biomatter in the canister for whatever you may need it for.

8. Touch the biomatter tank to return it to the upper position to begin the ritual to create biomatter once again.

Notes: Living beings will suffer as they are slowly dissolved into the chamber. It is not a quick death. Their brain will not be dissolved into biomatter. Any inorganic mass such as armor will have certain resources in it smelted and turned into sheets, which can be used in the bioprinter.

To prevent contamination of the biomatter, church members must clean the pipes occasionally. Contamination risks ruining the biomatter. Please see cleaning the bioreactor below.

Biomass.png Bioreactor Maintenance

To prevent contamination of the reactor, you must regularly maintain it. This includes cleaning the exposed pipes, repairing any form of damage, and overall keeping the reactor clean and in perfect condition.

The Pipes: They become exposed when the tank is in the lower position, so it is best to clean the pipes while you are filling a biomatter canister. Use a mop to clean the pipes.

Note: If the pipes are at the status of CONTAMINATED, they will throw out 3-4 items called 'solid biomass', these are toxic things and cleaning them up will do super toxins if you don't have equipment with bio-resist (luckily Brother_Chaplain and Confessor clothing has max Bio Resistance).

The Reactor platform (vat): Use a mop on the glass to clean the dirty glass. It is best to clean when there is any sign of contamination.

Note: If all three glass planes are dirty, you can not use the vat.

Basic Cleanliness: For cleanliness, you must apply Soap or a Damp Rag (Apply water to a rag). If the wires are broken, you need insulated gloves (or enough medicine to heal burns) and wirecutters to cut the wires without being shocked. You then need 10 cable coil to replace said wires.

Using the Biogenerator


This excerpt will explain how to power the Biogenerator to power the Chapel. First you must look to the north of the area to your two SMES.' These two will receive power from the biogenerator and then store the received energy. When the biogenerator is running, it is best to check these two for charging and how much power it is outputting. The biogenerator will create 10kW from biomatter and takes it in at 2 u/s. So do not use canisters that have low biomatter as it would not be worth it.

The biogenerator will power the Chapel, outside of the colony's grid. It may be necessary to power the Chapel when the Guild has failed their engine ritual or someone has delaminated the Supermatter. This guide will explain how to power the Biogenerator.

  • Drag a large canister and wrench it onto the platform in the red square.
  • Turn on the valves in the green squares.

Note: What amount of units you set for the valves determines how fast or slow power is output.

  • Walk in front of the console and recite the Power Biogenerator Song
  • The Biogenerator will start up and begin generating power.

At this time, you want to check if the SMES are outputting or not. If they are not, the energy provided will charge the SMES' for future use, otherwise they will begin to power the Chapel. If you do not want to waste biomatter because the engine is currently powering the chapel, simply turn the SMES output off and the biogenerator will charge them for the future, if or when the engine is gone.

Biomass.png Biogenerator Maintenance


The components of the biogenerator will degrade during use, and will need cleaning (pipes), repairs (coil) and replacement (wires).

The Pipes: In order to clean the pipes, you need to unscrew the connector port for the tank (highlighted in red). The tank needs to be detached first. Once the port is open, use soap (the more contaminated the pipes, the more times you will need to do it, until they're clean).

The Coil: The coil is located inside the upper part of the generator (highlighted in pink). You need to apply a screwdriver to open the hatch and expose the coil. When the coil is exposed, simply weld it (remember, Brother_Chaplain - your eyes are a gift from God! Respect it by wearing proper eye protection before welding!).

The Wires: The wires are contained within the lower part of the generator (highlighted in green). Once again, simply unscrew the cover. Then, you'll need to cut the old wires and apply a fresh batch.

Note: Do NOT unscrew the control console (middle piece of the entire biogenerator). If you apply a screwdriver and open the panel, the control console will cease to function, and will be deaf to your litanies (even if you close the panel back). If that happens, you need to apply crowbar (with the panel open) in order to deconstruct the machine. Then, you need to just put the circuitry and all other components back in, and apply screwdriver. The machine will be rebuilt.

Tips for Absolutists

  • All cruciform-bearers now start with a free perk called Lazarus Protocol. If you die, you have a 33% chance of being revived, removing all oxygen damage, toxins, and 100 brute/burn. This leaves you unconscious for 20-30 seconds.
  • Litanies can be used without the ritual book, just say them.
  • Nonbelievers will very rarely convert to Absolutism by themselves, you need to search interested ones and spread the word of Absolutism by either pamphlets or private messages. We don't recommend using the radio too much as the Marshals may dislike that. Try to bring people to Church and tell them more about the religion to convert them, and don't be afraid to ask believers to help you with the propaganda, it helps to have someone who can be trusted to reassure the nonbelievers to convert. Then notify the Confessor someone wishes to do so.
  • Remember to check the morgue on occasion, there is limited space for dead bodies to pile up. Redistributing non-contraband items and returning completely unrecoverable bodies to the lower colony for final processing is always a fine idea.
  • The Confessor is not a soldier, Brother_Chaplains are always asked to be armed to defend the chapel and the Confessor. Brother_Chaplains are many, however the Confessor is your leader. If the leader perishes, you may be lost in what to do.
  • All colonists can use the chapel's garden to grow plants, but typically looked over by the church. These plants can be used to sell to the cafe, or used as biofuel for the Bioreactor.
  • The Obelisks will eliminate any mobs hostile towards the crew. They're only activated when someone with a cruciform is within a certain distance, and on a slight delay.
  • The disposals system has a bio-sorter that stops corpses from going on into normal disposals, if you're ever in trouble or have to deliver an Absolutist corpse, use disposals! It's a shortcut to the Church. Just try to not move around too much if you do.
  • Butchering the corpses of animals before placing them in the disposals system can greatly help increase efficiency, since meat can easily go through the sorter and reactor input chute, yet whole carcasses cannot.

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