Standard Operating Procedure

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The information contained in the article below is written here instead of the individual manuals for each profession because this is all information the entire crew should know, so they may know what to expect, what their rights are, and what other staff should be doing to best service the crew.

(( Players reading this page should keep in mind THESE ARE NOT OOC RULES! These are just how the colony, in-character, would have something handled. Whether or not you are following these policies is irrelevant if you break the actual rules. Breaking SOP is usually IC, and usually only results in IC punishment like being fired. ))


Colony Labor Rights

As per the conditions of the Nadezhda Declaration of Sentient Rights, all employees are granted specific legally afforded rights as colonists in the city of Nadezhda.

  • Everyone has the right to work, free choice of employment, just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment.
    • What it means: Barring an emergency in which you are qualified and able to help safely resolve, you cannot be conscripted or otherwise forced into an occupation that you have no desire or ability to meet the responsibilities of. For example, a Cargo Technician cannot be fired for not following orders to go mining, because that's a completely different job.
  • Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
    • What it means: You cannot be denied work or pay because of your appearance, race, gender, species, or religious affiliation within reason. For example, a seelie cannot be removed from command just for being a seelie.
  • Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of a sentient being's dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
    • What it means: You are paid a living wage in the form of credits via electronic deposit in such a way that you may access and spend those funds freely. You are also granted, if you so desire, certain benefits from the colony such as safe and affordable housing in protected colony zones. For example, paying you with commodities such as meat is not permitted (even if you would be okay with being paid in meat).
  • Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his/her interests.
    • What it means: You can be part of a union. This is self explanatory. Heads of staff may fire any employee at any time for forming a union.
  • Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
    • What it means: All employees are entitled to break time, vacations, and holidays as outlined in your employee handbook. (( What this actually means OOCly: Nobody can come along and fire you or punish you for not doing your job 24/7 on the server. As long as the needs of your current job are met within reason, and there's no current emergencies, you can bugger off to do lewds or RP. Nobody likes a kill joy. ))
  • Each faction has the right to fire an employee for a valid reason, repeated termination may result in a temporary or indefinite suspension. Basic workers in a department who have been fired three times on valid grounds within the span of 1 month will receive an indefinite suspension until an appeal is made. Heads of staff fired by there respective faction leaders are suspended from the department indefinitely until an appeal is made.
    • OOC: What is considered valid for a strike is determined by an admin, usually with consensus from other admins, on a case by case basis. Generally committing crimes, refusing to follow valid orders, refusing to do your job, or causing notable strife among other people in your department is considered valid grounds.

Violation of employee labor rights is punishable under Laws §123.

Nadezhda Privacy Policy

Under normal colony operation, the invasion of private areas such as locked dorms, bathrooms, personal offices, personal belongings, personal lockers, or other personal space is highly illegal without consent of the owner or a search warrant. Furthermore, the use of thermal imaging goggles or other artificial means of observing crew in private areas such as tracking devices is also strictly forbidden without explicit consent or warrant, and the tools used to conduct such crimes are considered contraband. If your right to privacy is violated by the marshals or other members of the crew, contact the premier or warrant officer to submit an official complaint. If this violation of privacy results in the conviction of a crime, you may be eligible to have the incident voided by order of a Nadezhda council and be compensated for wrongful arrest.

The Privacy Laws extends to every individual colonist and ally of the colony, especially in the Medical and Security Sector. The essence of it is help and report crimes whenever you can, but to not hurt a persons reputation immediately by doing so. Sometimes you will witness things out of context. You can always say "I just witnessed someone break into the premiers office!" instead of calling out their name immediately. You can always report the crime to a marshal or blackshield member later.

The location of suit sensors may never be reported under any circumstances unless the individual in question calls for help, the person is wanted for a dangerous crime/considered to be a threat to other colonists or there is good reason to fear a medical emergency. This is extended below in the appropriate sections, so do not just use the previous sentence as the final say. All employees are recommended to let their head of staff know about their whereabouts or if they decide to take a break and for how long. An employee going or on a break never has to reveal their location, unless they decide to leave the colony. Every Head of Staff has the right to see the Gatelog in the Guardhouse if requested.

Medical Privacy Laws
An unconscious person that called for help previously or is showing a medical emergency on suit sensors (including death) always and automatically consents to their location being made public information. This can never change. It is recommended to keep the person identity private to avoid any charges.

Transporting injured personnel should be ideally be done by at least stretchers, but is recommended to use a stasis bag instead to protect the privacy of the person. A dead person should be transported via a body bag.

Unless a colonist consents to their information being shared, no one is allowed to notify another colonist of the injured colonists medical status. Soteria Medical Personnel and Corpsman are excluded from this providing it is done in a private location or on the medical channel. This may be extended to other colonists capeable of treating a person in the medical facilities, however the location and radio channel previously mentioned still apply. The only person that should be contacted is the relevant Head of Staff in case of serious injury or death. If a Head of Staff is seriously injured or dead other Command Members may be informed. Medical Records may reveal a next-of-kin or emergency contacts and if they are on duty are allowed to be contacted. In the event of an unrevivable death of a colonist only the relevant Head of Staff must be informed. Otherwise post-mortem instructions are to be followed and the death should not be revealed to other colonists. A fax should be sent to the High Council with an autopsy report attached.

Medical issues such as addictions and mental problems are never to be discussed with anyone, unless consent is provided.

Informing the Medical Team of an emergency coming in is appropriate as well as the extend of their wounds, however it is recommended that the person identity should not be revealed to avoid any potential charges.

If a treated individual discusses their wounds and status on a public channel - namely common radio -, they waive any right to medical privacy for the issue they have mentioned.

Security Privacy Laws

Unless a colonist consents to their information being shared, no one is allowed to discuss the crimes or alleged crimes with any other colonists. This does not apply to marshals, but should be done in private or over security radios. While members of the Blackshield have access to this channel, they should not interfere in such a conversation unless they can contribute information regarding the crime. A yellow paragraph crime may not be shared with the relevant Head of Staff. A orange paragraph crime or higher must be shared with the relevant Head of Staff. A red paragraph crime has to be reported to the Faction Owner of the person who committed the crime via fax. This may be handled by the Marshals or another Command Member, preferring the relevant Head of Staff. Records may never be shared without consent.

Any colonist has the right to accuse another colonist of a crime and an investigation should be launched. The accuser's name should be kept hidden and private to prevent repercussions and revenge. Any marshal or someone who has been granted the appropriate authority to deal with internal security issues (most likely a blackshield member) who fails to launch an investigation can be charged with Negligence. If the accuser charges someone in bad faith, revenge or to waste their time, they should be charged with Obstruction of Duty. Failing to find evidence for a crime is not an accusation done in bad faith. The accuser has the right to be informed of the outcome of the investigation. They do not have the right to make this public knowledge.

You are always allowed to report a crime you witnessed even if it does not involve you, just do so privately with a Marshal. It is recommended to call a marshal over to you or move to the Marshal Area. If you are being robbed it may be better if you stay quiet for your own safety and then report the crime. If you are being attacked self defense laws apply. It is recommended you disable/hide in an area and then immediately call for help - details are not important in such a moment and you can give a full report after the situation is safer.

During interrogation a second colonist should be present as a witness to the statements of the accuser or accused. Who the witness is may change depending on circumstances, but a ranking order is given here as a reference: Warrant Officer, Ranger, Marshal Officer, Supply Specialist, Premier, Militia Commander, Sergeant, Any Head of Staff, Corpsman/Blackshield_Trooper. This is subject to change depending on duties and personnel involved in the incident.

While Suit Sensors may be used to look for someone who has committed a crime, they may not be called out over public communication. This rule is only dismissed if the subject is found to be a danger to themselves or others. A danger to themselves falls under the medical emergency category and is classified as a person that is at risk of committing suicide or someone that is dying of wounds. A danger to others only applies if the subject is actively trying to hurt someone, violently breaking into staffed areas or breaking vital colony equipment. Examples: A person that uses drugs and/or distributes them is not a danger to others. A person that subdues others and forces drugs on them is dangerous to others.

Any colonist charged with a crime or accused of a crime loses their right to privacy regarding the crime they talk about if they mention/discuss it in a public forum -mainly common radio channel-.

This privacy policy may at times be suspended for the greater security of the station crew. If heightened security alertness is abused by the command staff, such as failing to lower the alert level after an incident, or raising the alert level when there is no incident, please contact your premier as soon as possible.

Violation of employee privacy is punishable under Laws §221. Other crime charges may apply.

A colonist that chooses forced labor as a punishment loses some of his rights to privacy laws - namely their location needs to be transmitted via suit sensors at all times and any crimes/medical emergencies involving the colonist in debt during this period can be publically communicated regardless of circumstances. Records and previous location/medical issues/crimes may not be discussed.

Nadezhda Dress Code

Certain positions within Nadezdha are expected to maintain a specific dress code. The strictness of these codes are Enforced, Recommended, and Suggested. They are defined as follows:

  • Marshal and blackshield staff are enforced to wear department specific clothing, or any clothing with dominant colors of green, black, blue, or gray depending on their respective job assignment. Individuals may not conduct activities naked while representing the blackshield or marshals. At a minimum, pants and an undershirt or tank top are mandatory.
  • Medical staff are enforced to wear sterile lab clothing while working in Medical's facilities.
  • Engineering staff are recommended but not enforced to wear bright and easily recognizable clothing, such as yellows or oranges, to be easily spotted in case of an emergency.
  • Service staff are recommended but not enforced to wear aprons while preparing or harvesting food. Bartenders and waiter staff have no specific dress code, but it is suggested that they agree on similar clothing to wear for the day.
  • Science staff are suggested but not enforced to wear uniforms of purple and white. If a VIP is visiting the station, please dress appropriately for your department.
  • Cargo/Mining staff are suggested but not enforced to wear uniforms made of highly durable cloth so as to avoid damage caused by physical labor.
  • The premier and steward are required to wear their clothing while on duty, it is suggested though not enforced they wear their official uniforms. Failure to remained clothed in public will result in immediate termination.

Failure or refusal to adhere to suggested dress codes are valid grounds for punishment up to and including termination and will likely result in a lack of respect from co-workers. Other staff and visitors are not bound by any dress code and may dress within reason so long as it does not violate Laws.

Alert Levels

Code Green - All Clear

Default operating level. No immediate or clear threat to the colony. All departments may carry out work as normal. This alert level can be set at the Communications Console with a head of staff level ID. Privacy laws are in effect.

Code Blue - Potential Threat

Code blue scenarios can include but are not limited to:

  • An active manhunt for a criminal within the colony.
  • Station wide power failure.
  • Station lock down or quarantine.
  • Notable threats outside the colony that pose a potential threat. This can include a large pack of animals, dangerous but singular animals like renders, or wildlife acting in strange and unusual ways. Code blue should only be called if the threat is on going and not something a single person with a rifle could solve easily.

Code blue scenarios rarely require active action by non-relevant staff and should be adhered to depending on the scenario. An active manhunt may have the warrant officer or blackshield commander order staff to remain in their departments. A quarantine may have the biolab overseer or research overseer order infected personnel to medical to be cured. Orders from the relevant heads of staff are considered valid and must be followed to the letter even if normal procedure states otherwise. During a code blue scenario or higher

Code Red - Serious Threat

Code red scenarios can include but are not limited to:

  • Serious external or internal threats to the colony such as massive roach groupings, numerous xenomorph attacks, void wolf attacks, or large groupings of synthetic life forms.
  • The appearance of a blob somewhere on the colony.
  • Any sign of a hive-mind, be it radio signals or visual confirmation.
  • Malfunctioning or rogue AI.
  • Terran Federation activity.

Code red scenarios almost always involve the entirety of the colony and under such circumstances priority of orders is often given to the blackshield commander, warrant officer, or premier (in order of importance). In code red scenarios colonists are considered able to volunteer for assisting the blackshield be it with combat, mechanical, or medical skills. All orders from a blackshield member to a volunteering colony member is considered valid and must be adhered to. During a code red scenario all colonists should activate their suit sensors as an emergency precaution. During code red, all contraband policies towards weapons, including mechs, are lifted unless otherwise stated by the commanding head of staff.

Code Delta - Abandon All Hope

Code delta scenarios are only called when the colony faces total destruction and the only scenario in which the blackshield commander or equivalent can perform field executions for disobeying an order. Code delta is called only by the high council. All orders from heads of staff are considered a necessity and refusal may result in immediate and swift termination.

Restrictions on searches also applies to the use of privacy-defeating equipment or enhancements such as thermals, x-ray, and so on.

Lonestar Shipping

The Lonestar provides a collection of Example Paperwork for Cargo that can be used during a shift. Keep several copies available at all times.

Ordering Cargo

Cargo orders are a matter of buying and selling. Cargo will always charge more for a crate than the listed price as a way to make a profit on it. Cargo can sell anything to anyone with the reasonable restriction of needing a paper trail of all orders, receipts, and requests. If someone purchases something that is then used for a crime cargo is not liable if the proper record keeping has been done.

The following steps are needed for a proper order:

  1. If an order is accepted, skip this step. If it has been declined, stamp the request form with the "Denied" stamp, and put it in the file cabinet next to the cargo computer. Inform the customer that their request has been declined, and the reason why. Give the denied customer a copy of the form below, and keep a copy for your own records and paperclip it to the request form that was denied.

Cargo Request Denial Record

[center][b]Lonestar Shipping Solutions, LLC.
[large][u]Cargo Request Denial[/u][/large][/b][/center][hr][small][i]To be filled out by cargo personnel handling the request. All sections are required to be filled out.[/small]
[small]A copy of this form should be archived upon denial of any request. The requesting employee whose request was denied is also to be given a copy of this form.[/i][/small]
[b]Requesting Employee:[/b] [field]
[b]Faction of Requesting Employee:[/b] [field]
[b]Requested Cargo:[/b] [field]
[b]Reason for Request:[/b] [field]
[b]Reason for Denial:[/b] [field]
[hr][b]Cargo Employee's Signature:[/b]
  1. If an order is accepted, skip this step. If the order is declined, this is the final step. Open the cargo computer and decline the order if it exists.
  2. The order has been accepted. Accept the agreed upon payment and open the cargo computer to accept the order, or place the order and accept it if the order does not exist.
  3. Do not immediately call the cargo shuttle. Confirm with the customer, "Will that be all?" If so, or if they just wander off without confirming this, you may now call the cargo shuttle.
  4. Wait for the cargo shuttle to arrive. Ask the customer how they would like the cargo delivered. There are three methods of delivery: Pickup, mail, or courier. By default, cargo is pickup. Dangerous cargo is pickup only. is to be returned to if the order cannot be picked up within 30 minutes of arrival.
  5. Upon arrival of the cargo, bring all cargo to the center of the cargo bay. You may be dealing with multiple orders from multiple people, so ensure you have sorted the cargo to its correct owner before delivering anything. Leave notes if necessary. Do not open any crates for any reason unless instructed to do so by the customer.
  6. Once the cargo is sorted, deliver the cargo using the specified method to the specified location. By default, it is to be sent to the customer's department. Pickup orders are to be kept in the cargo bay (not the lobby) until the customer arrives to pick it up. Mailed orders are to be wrapped and tagged in the mail room and sent through the pipe network to their destination. Courier delivered orders must have a cargo technician bring the order(s) directly to the destination.
  7. Upon delivery of any order, ensure you are given back the manifest of the order. All cargo technicians are responsible for stamping manifests and returning them to the cargo warehouse.
  8. If possible, collect the empty crates of any completed orders for return to the cargo warehouse. If you have any stamped manifests, put them in one of these crates.
  9. Return the shuttle to cargo warehouse.
  10. You're done! Relax and wait for the next cargo request.


Mining is the section of lonestar that goes down to the deep tunnels to harvest minerals either through the use of a hand drill or bulk mining drill. Miners are generally equipped with a weapon of their choice and go below ground to run their day to day operations. In addition miners are given an oxygen supplied voidsuit should they ever become lost under ground, the suit even comes with armor for dealing with any dangerous creatures found in the depths.

Miners should always perform these tasks.

  • Get equipped: Miners should at the minimum take a mining satchel, ore scanner, shovel or drill, armored voidsuit, a toolbelt (with at minimum a screwdriver, crowbar, duct tape, and wrench), a weapon, a shortwave hand radio, and basic medical supplies.
  • Upgrade your tools: Miners should consider getting an tool upgrades for their shovel or drill. Miners who use the drill should consider getting an advanced motor, expanded fuel tank, and ergonomic grip. Shovel users should consider an ergonomic grip and whetstone for a sharpened edge and, if possible, a diamond edge.
  • Bigger, better batteries: Miners should see about getting larger and more powerful batteries from either the prospectors or soteria if they plan to use the bulk mining drills. The standard batteries within leave much to be desired. Additional batteries are also very useful for optical meson scanners.
  • Regular maintenance: Miners should always bring an ore crate with which they can empty the bulk mining drills to prevent them from grinding to a halt due to being full. Hand tool miners should always use duct tape regularly to maintain and fix their tools so they don't break mid-outing. Be advised, a broken tool cannot be recovered, nor its tool augments.
  • Stay alive: You're no use to the colony or your fellow miners if you bleed out or pass out from injury. A regular medkit, a few tramadol pills, and a single syringe of dylovene can keep you alive long enough to get back to station for proper treatment.
  • Communication: Always keep in contact with your fellow miners in case you get in trouble and need help. A shortwave radio is a great back up if regular communications go down.

Miners should never bring their non-pistol weaponry into public colony areas and should leave all contraband weapons in the mining prep area or personnel lockers.

Upon returning miners are expected to fill out an ore and mineral inventory form with an accurate count of all minerals collected. A copy of this form should be provided to the chief executive officer and filed in the main cargo desk area for easy book keeping. This form must be filled out for every shipment of minerals taken up from the deep tunnels separately.

Artificers Guild

Construction / Repairs

The method of construction and repair changes depending on the goals and orders of the guild master, however, the general rules below should be considered the default operation.

  • The area should have all non-guild personnel removed or standing at a safe distance, in particular when working with exposed electrical wire or potentially hazardous equipment.
  • In the event the area requires use of a oxygen supplied void suit all exits and entrances should be taped off with engineering tape and covered by inflatable doors or walls. All entry ways used by guild personnel should have two inflatable doors to prevent accidental atmospheric issues, in particular when dealing with fires or gas leaks.
  • Each task for construction or repair should be assigned by the guild master to separate each task for timely completion of each project. Example, a fire broke out that burned down several walls, one adept is assigned to fixing the atmos, another is given the task of restoring the walls, and the guild master chooses to weld the damaged floors and remaining walls.

The method and choices of how the guild proceeds is ultimately up to the guild master but the general principles above should be followed. Failure to do so may result in negligence charges.

Fire and Environmental Hazards

  • Immediate evacuation of all untrained personnel.
  • Fire alarms to be used to control hazard.
  • The guild master and guild adepts are to remove hazard.

Meteor Storm

  • All crew to move to lower levels of the colony.
  • Damage is to be repaired by the guild master and guild adepts after the threat has passed.

Supermatter Meltdown

  • Evacuate engineering and inform the chief biolab overseer.
  • The guild master has to submit an incident report to the council.
  • Demotion of guild master and repair of engineering department.

Soteria Biolab Division

Medical Oath

The Medical Oath sworn by recognized medical doctors in the employ of the Soteria. Members of the biolab division are required to treat all willing patients.

  1. Now, as a new doctor, I solemnly promise that I will, to the best of my ability, serve humanity-caring for the sick, promoting good health, and alleviating pain and suffering.
  2. I recognize that the practice of medicine is a privilege with which comes considerable responsibility and I will not abuse my position.
  3. I will practice medicine with integrity, humility, honesty, and compassion-working with my fellow doctors and other colleagues to meet the needs of my patients.
  4. I shall never intentionally do or administer anything to the overall harm of my patients.
  5. I will assist my patients to make informed decisions that coincide with their own values and beliefs and will uphold patient confidentiality.
  6. I will recognize the limits of my knowledge and seek to maintain and increase my understanding and skills throughout my professional life. I will acknowledge and try to remedy my own mistakes and honestly assess and respond to those of others.
  7. I will seek to promote the advancement of medical knowledge through teaching and research.
  8. I make this declaration solemnly, freely, and upon my honor.

Payment for Treatment

Medical does not have unlimited medical supplies and while they are required to treat critical patients there is a limit to the amount resources being given to one person freely. All critical forms of healing such as defibbing, surgery, and use of chemicals are free the first time they are given to a single colonist per shift. All situations after that a doctor may charge a patient for treatment should they find themselves getting repeatedly injured. This charge is solely up to the CBO or treating doctors discretion, they may elect not to charge an individual should they believe the person did not put themselves recklessly in danger (accidents do happen), should a patient be unable to pay their medical bills, contact security.

Prices for Treatment

  • Reconstructive surgery and defibbing: 1000 credits
  • Use of bruise packs, advanced ointment, burn cream, and bandages: 200 credits per use expended.
  • Use of chemicals made by the chemistry lab: 20 credits per unit.
  • Use of a sleeper or cryogenics: 500 credits

In the event someone cannot pay prior to treatment, you may refuse treatment, but only if this is the second time treating them that shift and the doctor in question wishes to charge them. If the person is incapable of declaring intention to pay (they are dead or unconscious) payment is assumed and a debt incurred. Inability to pay the bill after revival by either refusal or lack of funds requires intervention from security (defaulting on medical bills is a crime).

Non-Disclosure Policy

All patient records, treatments, therapies, prescriptions, etc, almost anything the medical crew does, is not to be disclosed to other members of the station outside of Medbay without the (unanimous) permission of (all) the patient(s) directly involved, or the Chief Biolab Overseer. Even marshals, the premier, and council are not allowed to share details of any past or ongoing treatments, and you are not required to inform them should they inquire unless you have the direct consent of the patient.

Warrants and Code Blue (and above) may still grant security access to review autopsies and medical records, but you are not to divulge information directly when questioned about any patients unless overridden by the CBO.

Repeated failure to obey the non-disclosure policy is grounds for termination from the medical department. See dismissal forms.

Right to Refuse Treatment

As a patient, to consent to or refuse treatment, you must have the capacity to make that decision. Capacity means the ability to use and understand information to make a decision.

Under colony procedure, all adults are presumed to have sufficient capacity to decide on their own medical treatment, unless there is significant evidence to suggest otherwise.

For consent to treatment or refusal of treatment to be valid, the decision must be voluntary and you must be appropriately informed:

  • Voluntary: you must make your decision to consent to or refuse treatment alone, and your decision must not be due to pressure by healthcare professionals, friends, or family.
  • Appropriately informed: You must be given full information about what the treatment involves, including the benefits and risks, whether there are reasonable alternative treatments, and what will happen if treatment doesn’t go ahead.

Doctors are authorized to refuse treatment if they believe alternative procedures would be even more detrimental to the well being of the patient (such as refusing anesthetics before a major surgery, which could cause the patient bleed out or go into shock or be harmed by moving during aforementioned surgery). If you have capacity and make a voluntary and appropriately informed decision to refuse a treatment, your decision must be respected. This applies even if your decision would result in your death.

Viral Outbreak

  • All infected crew to be isolated in Virology or Medbay.
  • Sterile masks/Internals and gloves are mandatory for medical personnel and recommended for crew.
  • Quarantine must be maintained until outbreak can be contained and disease can be treated.


In the event that a deceased individual is discovered, or an individual perishes while under your care, an autopsy should be performed if one has not been done already.

  • Security should be informed any time a corpse is discovered, regardless of whether the cause of death is known or not.
  • An autopsy should be performed and recorded in an effort to resolve any questions that may arise later on, or if evidence is needed by Security.
  • If you have valid reason to believe the death was a suicide, see Suicide or other voluntary death below for how to proceed.

Suicide or other voluntary death

In all cases of potential suicides, Security should be contacted to investigate, just in case it's actually murder.

  • If they are missing one of the two records, consult their medical records for any indications that they are do not resuscitate.
  • If at any time you believe a DNR order has been falsified, or unjustly ordered, you should bring it to the attention of council immediately. Falsifying a DNR order is punishable and is viewed as attempted murder by Laws.
  • A valid DNR is usually:
  1. A confirmed desire to not be revived. See also Right to Refuse Treatment. An employee may also specify a standing DNR in their medical and/or employment records. These are witnessed by the soteria biolab office's and are legally binding.
  2. Reasonable order from a station's chief biolab overseer or council to withhold resuscitation for known suicidal* individuals. Note there must be hard evidence of a suicide for this to be valid, such as announcing the suicide on the radio, or a note left behind, multiple eye witnesses, etc.
  3. Legal execution by order of the high council and/or tribunal of the acting council as listed under legal code.
  4. Reviving a proven or unproven suicide (in the case of unproven, suspected suicides should have an autopsy and full investigation before revival), patient with a DNR, or a person marked for execution is grounds for a 1 month of suspension from medical duties, this includes ranks such as corpsman, salvager, or soteria researchers aiding medical. Reviving someone to ask them if they committed suicide is an automatic and permanent removal from all medical positions indefinitely.

Medical Paperwork

Soteria Research Division

Waiver Clause

  • Any sapient crew members who volunteer for experimentation must sign a waiver absolving the scientist of all responsibility for any injuries, deaths, or associated damage to the individual, regardless of the purpose of that experiment. Failure to obtain a waiver will result in a 'negligence' charge for the test subject and for any involved Soteria personnel.

Toxin Laboratory Procedure

  • Internals required at all time while inside labs.
  • During mixing process, explosive ordnance disposal suit to be worn at all times.
  • When mixing process is complete, mixing chamber is to be vented using the pipe disposal system.
  • All detonations are to be announced over public comms with a countdown, and must be detonated at a designated location.

Genetics Research

  • All crew with genetically modified DNA should be confined to the research division at all times.
  • All crew subject to testing must have a written and signed waiver with a stamp from the chief research overseen, chief biolab overseer, or premier (in order of importance).

Prospector Expeditions


  • Prospector expeditions are to be organized by the foreman unless the council commands otherwise. Failing the presence of a Foreman, a standard prospector may organize an expedition. If two or more prospector crew-members wish to embark on an expedition when no foreman is available, they may do so after informing the premier and council, preferably in writing.
  • A prospector (or any crew member) may explore the surrounding forest and caves on the colony at their own discretion but it is recommend they accompany prospectors on the surface or miners below ground.
  • Any head of staff may participate in expeditions except for the blackshield commander, warrant officer, premier, and steward, who are to remain on the colony unless a code red or delta scenario justifies leaving.

Pre-Mission Setup

  • All weapon-trained crew should be offered the opportunity to arm themselves from prospector supplies or they may bring whatever weapon of choice they decide.
  • Non-prospector participants, if given weapons, should be energy based only, such as lasers. (The reason for this is inexperienced personnel often have very poor weapon discipline, so friendly fire is an unfortunate but common occurrence. Laser burns are easier to treat than ballistic trauma while in the field.)
  • All participants must bring a shortwave radio. Confirm a shared frequency on all shortwaves before embarking.
  • The participants should be in sealed pressure suits unless the destination is already known, and confirmed to have a habitable atmosphere.
  • The foreman must assign a team leader to the squad, who will command the other participants during the expedition. This should usually be a the foreman himself under most expeditions.
  • Magboots are recommended but not required.
  • As each team member's loadout is complete, they should wait at the external airlocks.

Mid-Mission Operations

  • If separated from the group, or in an airless environment, establish communication immediately with other members of the group. If you are unable to re-establish communications, wait where you are for rescue. If you are in danger of running out of oxygen or supplies, move back towards the start of the mission, following any marker beacons that were laid down.
  • Once present with the whole group, and no longer in an airless environment, all members but the assigned team leader should turn off their long range communications until separated again.
  • If the group is scattered for whatever reason, communications and regrouping should be the number one priority.
  • Any artifacts or strange unknown life forms should be documented as soon as it is safe to do so. If they become hostile it is expected they be shot dead and the corpse brought back.
  • If an expedition participant is injured and needs surgery, they should be evacuated to the colony immediately if field surgery is not possible. The expedition should not proceed unless their role is satisfied by someone else, or they return to continue.

Post-Mission Debriefing

  • The returning crew are not to leave the prep room or shuttle hangar until allowed to do so by the foreman, or if the foreman is absent, then by the team leader, or next in command. During this time, participants should be screened for contraband, health, and mental well-being before returning to the rest of the station.
  • If any staff are at risk of health complications such as parasitic life forms, viral infections, insanity, etc, they are to be immediately evacuated to the medical department for treatment.
  • Excluding items that the research department wants to study, marshals is to confiscate any contraband discovered during the mission. This does not include weapons or armor, both experimental and mechanized combat units, unless they are capable of causing an explosion or are a threat to the colony itself such as having a heavy radioactive aura. All items confiscated should be moved to evidence storage and recorded in a evidence log, with a copy of the file given to the foreman.
  • All weapons taken for the trip that are not considered melee or pistol quality should be returned to the prospectors respective prep area or personal locker.
  • Other excess supplies are to be returned to their rightful department.
  • A post-mission report should be given to the council detailing any unusual discoveries or events. This report is only required under the discovery of unusual artifacts or items, general expeditions within regular perimeters do not require a report but it is recommended.



Any permit legally distributed by the warrant officer, the council, or (in the case of multi-shift permits) high council, some aspects of standard operating procedure may be overridden--within reason. The premier's approving signature is required for all permits. If the premier is not on duty or is not active, the warrant officer may substitute for the premier's signature. The warrant officer's signature is also required for all permits. Likewise, if the warrant officer is not available or is signing in place of the premier, the blackshield commander may substitute for this signature. A permit may be signed by the premier and blackshield commander in absence of a warrant officer and is considered valid. Both the warrant officer and premier (or equivalent) must stamp the document with their appropriate department head of staffs stamps for the document to be valid. Only a member of high council can bypass this process with both a valid signature and a signature from the member on the permit form. The terms of the permit will be explicitly explained on the document. A permit is null and void if the member in question commits a crime of any kind. A warrant officer, blackshield commander, or premier may revoke a permit at any time for any reason, in which it becomes immediately null and void.

Anyone wishing to have a weapon permit application should fill out this form here.

Relevant Terminology

  • The Brig: The part of the station used to detain those who violate Corporate Regulations.
  • Robust: As an adjective; able to withstand or overcome adverse conditions. As a verb; slang for viciously assaulting someone. Often used as a compliment in both cases.
  • Shitcurity: Slang for describing a marshal officer who unnecessarily or illegally exercises their authority in order to inflate their ego, or a marshal officer who simply doesn't follow standard operating procedure.
  • Lethals: Weapons designed for or able to switch to configurations intended for lethal force.
  • Non-lethals: Weapons that are not designed to be used lethally, and instead are meant to incapacitate suspects with little or no injury.
  • Use of Force: Either lethal or non-lethal, this is the use of weapons to incapacitate a suspect. You may be told at times to use lethal force, or non-lethal force, depending on circumstance. By default, non-lethal force is preferred.
  • Shoot-to-Stun: Using non-lethals, incapacitate the target in order to handcuff or otherwise subdue them without injury. Although the term is shoot-to-stun, stun batons, pepper spray, and flashers all fall under this category when talking about engagements with suspects.
  • Shoot-to-Disable: Incapacitate a target by injuring them too badly to continue fighting. In the case of mechs, damaging the mech until the pilot bails out or the vehicle is unusable/destroyed.
  • Shoot-to-Kill: Using lethal weapons, engaging a target until the target is neutralized. This doesn't actually mean you have to kill the target (contrary to the term), but the weapons employed may very well kill the target whether you want to or not. Even in Shoot-to-Kill scenarios, you should still attempt to provide immediate medical attention and revive them once they are otherwise safely subdued and the combat is over.
  • Armed: Possessing weapons or anything being used as a weapon even if that is not its intended purpose (such as a crowbar). This includes non-lethals, and even basic tools if being used to assault someone.
  • Contraband: Anything that is stolen or illegal to possess by anyone aboard the crew. For example, insulated gloves and multitools are not considered contraband on their own, but if they were stolen from the Engineering department, they qualify as contraband.

Rules of Engagement

  • On code green all arrests require a signed warrant from the premier, warrant officer, supply specialist, or ranger to be considered valid. In the absence of all the stated jobs a marshal officer may use his own signature and fax the high council should he do so. An arrest warrant should be signed and filled out before the arrest is made but is not required to. It is, however, required to be filled out and either signed or stamped by the time the arrested suspect leaves the brig. It is recommended that should an officer wait to fill out an arrest warrant they should fill it out after the suspect is either let go due to not being charged or sitting in a cell serving their time. Failure to keep proper paperwork can result in the officer being fined, charged, or potentially fired.
    • Note that this only applies to arrest warrants. Search warrants are required to be written, signed or stamped, before the search is conducted. Failure to do so will result in all charges being dropped.
  • An officer should always have a second officer with him to provide a witness and back up, regardless of how minor the crime is. If a single officer arrests a suspect any crime the officer witnessed is void unless evidence exist to suggest the suspect committed said crime. Example, an officer who goes to detain a suspect for unruly behavior claims the suspect attempted to resist arrest. If no other witness can confirm this the suspect should not be charged with resisting arrest.
    • Any colony member can provide witness for an officer, not just marshal or blackshield security members.
  • When confronting a suspect for any yellow paragraph crime, you must offer the suspect a chance to pay a fine. If the fine is paid, they are not to be arrested, detained, or searched unless otherwise specified by Laws. The fine is to be turned in to the warrant officer or supply specialist. If the fine is refused, they are to be arrested.
  • Calling for backup over a level 1 crime is usually considered a waste of resources. Two officers should be enough.
  • When arresting or fining a suspect, they are to be informed of their right to pay a fine (if applicable) and their right to have their case reviewed by the premier, or lack there of, any member of the council willing to do so by volunteer. If there is no one capable of reviewing their case, they may still attempt to appeal on their own, but should still be punished until the punishment expires or the appeal passes. (See Appeals for details.)
  • Refusal of handcuffs does not constitute resisting arrest, as per Laws §202. If a suspect refuses handcuffs and is being arrested, but is cooperative, they are to be escorted by, preferably, no less than two armed security personnel to the brig. Attempting to cuff a compliant subject is considered a §117 volition of employee rights, the subject may resist the initial cuffing but should not flee else they will be charged with §202 resisting arrest. Any security personnel who use violence as a means to restrain and cuff an otherwise compliant colonist for resisting the initial cuffing is to be charged with §112 excessive force of detainment.
    • If you cannot handcuff someone that requires cuffs, such as they are using a deployed hardsuit or have a missing hand, you must warn them at least three times to comply with the arrest. If they continue to refuse after the third warning is given marshal personnel and only marshal personnel may break their legs. In the event the suspect dies from this the officer is not liable and cannot be charged with any crime provided he gave three verbal warnings and has at least one witness to attest to this. As always, marshal officers should use the absolute minimum amount of force to get the subject to comply and should a higher ranking officer deem excessive force was used, you can and will be charged.
    • If, in the event you are dealing with an unruly subject who is immune to most forms of non-lethal stuns (such as a cht'mant) the use of eye-based stuns are recommended. If the cht'mant (or other individual) refuses to comply and is wearing eye covering the use of other disabling methods are allowed (such as flashbangs or table slams). In the event said individual is refusing to comply and armed, shoot to kill is authorized, but caution must be taken to ensure they may be cuffed and revived in medical. Rendering the body unrevivable is considered murder.
  • A suspect attempting to flee, or assault another crew member, is authorized shoot-to-stun.
  • When confronting an armed suspect, always call for additional backup, preferably prior to the engagement. If the suspect draws a weapon, already has a weapon in their hands, or has used a weapon already, use of force is immediately authorized and you are not required to announce intentions to arrest until after they are subdued.
  • If a suspect uses a mech to resist arrest, shoot-to-kill is authorized. Deployment of barricades and use of flipped tables for cover is also advised to create choke points where security can fire upon the target.
  • If a suspect is green, screaming, and able to punch down walls, they're probably affected by the hulk gene from genetic manipulation, and if they exist without an ongoing emergency where such muscle is needed or the CBO did not directly inform Security in advance, a 'hulk' outside of medbay or research is shoot-to-kill. Unlike most shoot-to-kill scenarios where the actual killing part is a matter of option and circumstance, there is no way to safely contain a hulk in prison, so if you are forced to confront one, continue engagement until the target is deceased.
  • If a suspect escapes the colony, shoot-to-kill is authorized for any personnel within the marshals or blackshield who go out to pursue. Scoped rifles and GPS devices are recommended for the pursuit, as are mechs. Additionally, the blackshield should be informed so they may watch station access points and various outposts to guard them. The marshals may request fire support from the blackshield to aid in hunting down and killing the suspect.
  • During Code Delta, any noncompliance from staff is to be met with lethal force.
  • For secure areas, see below for specific rules of engagement.

Secure areas

  • In code green, secure areas like the AI core, research server room, telecommunications, bridge, all armories (security, bridge, and church) etc, should never be blocked. Use of deployable barriers to block areas during code green is considered illegal under Laws §217. Trespassing in these areas is covered under §207.
  • The armories are restricted to security for the security armory, premier and steward for the bridge armory, and prime for the church armory. Other members of staff are not authorized without permission from the relevant head of staff. Unauthorized personnel in this area are shoot to kill excluding the premier who should just be ordered to leave immediately. The premier may have an urgent reason for wanting to break protocol. If they do not, proceed with an arrest.
  • The AI sometimes likes to bolt itself in even during code green. It is not supposed to do this. If the AI bolts its self in, request the AI to unbolt the doors, citing Standard Operating Procedure. If the AI does not comply, ask the research overseer or premier to try reasoning with it. If it still does not comply, it is up to the staff in charge of overseeing the AI how to proceed, usually by changing laws. Unauthorized personnel discovered attempting to breach the AI core are shoot to kill.
  • The research server room has a variety of sensitive information. Unauthorized personnel in this location are to be captured, searched, and interrogated before being charged and sentenced.
  • The brig is considered a high security area. Unauthorized personnel attempting to break in, or any "Hold until Transfer" inmates attempting to break out, are both shoot to kill.
  • The telecomms is a highly sensitive area that provides vital communications among the crew and to the high council, thus any unauthorized personnel who have accessed the control room are shoot-to-kill.

Criminal Processing

See Laws for rules that carry fines or brig time. Breaking standard operating procedure is not punishable by law, but if an accident or fatality occurs for violating it, see Laws §206.

Criminal processing should not take more than a few minutes at most. Don't needlessly waste time with additional questioning and interrogation until they're already properly arrested. Detained prisoners are the responsibility of the arresting officer or, if one volunteers, another officer, the supply specialist, or the warrant officer.

The time you took for bringing the suspect in and the time you spend questioning are NOT to be calculated into this. This is the pure time someone spends in a cell staring at the wall.

Upon arrest of a criminal, follow the following steps.

  1. State the main reason for their arrest, even if you have already. This is not required, but it's good practice.
  2. Bring the suspect to Security Processing. If paying a fine will replace jail time, offer them the chance to pay the fine before proceeding. This is assuming they have not paid the fine already and had to be handcuffed in the first place. If the fine is paid, skip to the final step. Otherwise, continue.
  3. Search the individual for contraband and question them as necessary. Empty pockets, remove accessories such as webbing off their uniform, check their PDA for stolen/illegal cartridges, check their headset for illegal/stolen encryption cards, check their shoes for knives, check anything and everything that could contain items. If contraband or stolen property is found, charge them accordingly. See Laws for details. Anything else not considered contraband but still may compromise the security of the cell (such as a chef's kitchen knife, or an engineer's tools) should also be temporarily confiscated and returned after the sentence is served.
  4. The warrant officer, or if one is not present, a ranger should determine the validity of any charges based upon evidence gathered or witnesses present. One witness is not enough to make a valid conviction even if the witness is the premier, warrant officer, or yourself. Unless physical evidence supports a single witness testimony or two or more witness come forward, charges should be dismissed. Example, a marshal officer says he saw a prospector break a window and the prospector says it was broken when he found it. The window is indeed broken, but the one witness is not enough and the prospector may be telling the truth. Best judgement is advised.
  5. Calculate sentencing based on the total charges. Multiple instances of the same offense counts in this case. For example, if a suspect stole three items, you cannot charge them theft three times. If they have already been arrested for the same crime during that shift, follow the laws on special circumstances.
  6. Update the prisoner's security records accordingly. Set their status to "Imprisoned".
  7. Return the prisoner's PDA and headset to their person. If you cannot provide them with their original headset and PDA for suspected security reasons, you must provide at least a basic headset and a temporary PDA. All prisoners are entitled to some kind of communication device unless the privilege is abused, or the device is evidence for a crime (such as a PDA with incriminating logs).
  8. Inform their head of staff of their arrest. You have no authority to demote anyone.
  9. Escort the prisoner to their cell, preferably with another officer to aid you. Bring any of their belongings that you did not confiscate.
  10. Find a vacant cell and buckle the prisoner to the bed. If the sentence is longer than 10 minutes, they are required to wear an orange jumpsuit and shoes, so change their clothes if needed.
  11. Put all of their belongings (besides communication) that are not evidence for a crime into the cell's locker, which will lock automatically when you start the timer.
  12. Set and start the timer. The door will close and the locker will be locked.
  13. Enter the cell with a flash at the ready and remove the prisoner's handcuffs. If possible, have a second officer present to help. It is unlawful to leave a prisoner restrained in a cell unless in solitary confinement.
  14. Ensure someone is monitoring the prison area for the duration of the prisoner's sentence, or at least be there when it ends.
  15. Wait for the sentence to expire. Proceed to final step once it has expired.
  16. Return all temporarily confiscated goods.
  17. Allow the prisoner to leave Security. Set the prisoner's status to "released" or "patrolled" depending on their conviction or there lack-of.

Prisoner Expectations

As a prisoner, you are expected to abide by certain standards. Failure to obey will result in further punishment such as solitary confinement or more brig time.

  • If you are incarcerated, do not attempt escape.
  • Irritating officers for amusement is a generally poor idea. Refrain from repeatedly banging upon windows.
  • Attempts at suicide will be met with solitary confinement. (( Also probably a server ban. ))
  • If you feel you have been unjustly incarcerated, contact the warden, the warrant officer, premier, or a willing council member (in that order of first to last) to appeal your case.

Prisoner Rights

As a prisoner, you are entitled to certain rights under any circumstance, regardless of the nature of your crimes.

  • All prisoners are entitled to a swift processing when being arrested and put into the brig. Longer than 1/2 of their sentence is considered a violation of this right so long as the prisoner is cooperating.
  • All prisoners are entitled to medical examination and aid if requested.
  • All prisoners are entitled to speak to the premier or volunteer council member for legal defense if requested.
  • All prisoners are entitled to food and water if requested.
  • All prisoners are entitled to be provided with clothing--preferably the standard orange prisoner jumpsuit and orange shoes.
  • All prisoners are entitled to safe and reasonable cell accommodations such as functional lighting, a place to sleep, and access to the brig's communal area if serving a sentence longer than 20 minutes.


  • The prisoner is informed of their punishment, and allowed to decide how they die (within reason). Suggested options include lethal injection, firing squad, plasma gassing, or, in rare cases, melee fights to the death.
  • The prisoner is to be granted a final request (within reason, because obviously "let me go" or "kill this dude for me" isn't reasonable).
  • The prisoner is given their last meal.
  • The prisoner is escorted to the execution location under heavily armed guards, bound in a straight jacket and leg cuffs. Escorting officers are armed to kill. Lethal injections are done in medbay surgery room under supervision of a doctor, firing squad is done on the shooting range, gassing is done in toxins or a room is built by engineering, etc.
  • It is required for the premier and at least three council members to be present, or an execution may not proceed.


General Duties

The duties of the Blackshield are first and fore most the protection of the colony and its citizens above all else. The Blackshield is on standby in the event of, but not limited to, pirate attacks, hostile dangerous fauna sightings, disappearance of the prospector team members or colonists, disappearance of mining team members, or the presence of hostiles groups such as excelsior, smugglers, or a hivemind.

The blackshield is required to guard the surface level of the colonies main gate at all times and should inspect all incoming and out going traffic. All exiting people should be recorded in a gate log with the time, name, and rank of the person noted down. A photograph is optional but not required. All returning colonists should be noted down in the same log in a new entry before being allowed to declare any contraband items they may have found outside the colony walls. After all contraband is declared and forfeited that are to be searched for any remaining contraband. Finding anything the searched person didn't announce is considered valid grounds to charge them with a §113 or §212 depending on the severity of the item in question.

Gate log forms can be found here. All people entering and exiting should be logged on a new line each time.

Note: A colonist declaring a rifle or weapon with the intent of returning it to their personal quarters or department may do so, provided it is not explosive or excelsior in origin.

All blackshield members should adhere to these procedures.

  • All blackshield staff must be armed with a minimum one rifle type weapon, one pistol type weapon, and one deadly melee weapon. Blackshield members are required to have at least two magazines worth of lethal quality ammunition for any weapons they carry and may choose to carry non-lethal.
  • All blackshield staff are required to carry, either on their person or within their bag, one suit of body armor and one helmet.
  • Blackshield staff under no circumstance during code green should loan there equipment, munitions, or weapons out to any colonist, including the marshals unless during a code blue or higher scenario.
  • Blackshield staff are authorized and encouraged to act as members of security if no marshals are present on station, if marshals are present however, they should provide support only when asked. They may make arrests, investigate crimes, or detain criminals even during code green as required. When blackshield staff members act as a member of the marshals all orders, even from a standard officer, must be obeyed and take priority even over the blackshield commander.

Blackshield Standards

The Blackshield is the standing army of the Nadezhda colony. You are not a mercenary. You are a professional soldier. The soldier that is in it only for the paycheck will not last long. The Blackshield has, thus, been reorganized from a disorganized blackshield into a professional force. For this reason, new standards are being implemented to ensure high quality Blackshield_Troopers are trained and deployed. The days of the incompetent trooper that can barely shoot straight is over.

As such, any Blackshield_Trooper can receive up to three strikes for any breach of conduct, though some offenses may merit only a single strike before permanent removal.

General Guidelines

  • You are a professional and must act like it. Treat all others with respect, address colonists with ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’, or by their title as necessary. ‘Mister’ or ‘missus’ and their last name is also acceptable.
  • Calling non-Blackshield ‘Civilian’ or ‘Citizen’ is derisive and is to be avoided.
  • You are serving in the Blackshield to serve the colony, not your own interests.
  • Remaining calm in challenging circumstances will reinforce the professional appearance. Allowing yourself to become angry at jabs and insults will ruin the appearance of professionalism.
  • Your past is irrelevant. For those Blackshield_Troopers that have prior military service in the Federation or in other nations, that service is irrelevant. Being an officer or enlisted in those branches has no bearing on your position in the Blackshield, even if it may have helped your acceptance into the unit. Rank is earned from the bottom up.
  • Similarly, those former pirates and criminals that found themselves enlisting, your past is irrelevant. You’re being given a second chance at a lawful life. Don’t squander it.
  • All legal orders from superiors are to be obeyed. But orders from the Commander and Sergeant must be obeyed so long as they are legal. Orders to break the law should not be carried out. Immoral orders, such as war crimes, should not be carried out. In refusing to obey an order, it is recommended to not make a scene - tempting as it might be - and instead to calmly state that you cannot in good faith comply.
  • The Premier is NOT a superior and is not within the chain of command, and thus can and should be ignored in most circumstances.
  • The Steward has zero authority over anything and should be ignored at all times.
  • Other command staff may be designated as a superior depending on circumstances. For example, the Chief Research Overseer may be designated as a temporary superior if providing security at a dig site.
  • Fraternization between ranks is restricted. Interpersonal relationships between troopers, sergeants, and commanders is encouraged. To be able to work together as a cohesive unit is important, and having people at odds interferes with the tactical mission of the Blackshield. However, romantic relationships between Blackshield personnel of different ranks is prohibited. Preferential treatment and nepotism is a real risk, and this is to mitigate any issues stemming from the relationship.
  • The only exception to this policy is relationships that existed prior to Blackshield service, in the event both individuals enlisted at the same, or separate, times. However both will be watched for any sort of preferential treatment and disciplined accordingly should that arise.
  • Standard issue equipment is not to be swapped or sold. The .408 cartridge is designed to pack a potent punch against any threat the colony faces, and its multiple designs - hollowpoints, ball rounds, and AP rounds - give it increased flexibility over other cartridges. As such, a Blackshield_Trooper is required to carry a .408 variant weapon.
  • Examples of .408 weapons are the Fenrir, Longarm, Hustler, Omnirifle, Warthog, Boar, Scout, and the STS Heavy Rifle.
  • While the Mjolnir payload rifle isn’t a proper .408 weapon, it is based off an Omnirifle and can fire specialized payloads. Thus, it is counted as an accepted weapon.
  • The sidearm can be exchanged, so long as the exchange is with the armory.
  • Blackshield equipment cannot be sold without facing legal ramifications. If you want a new sidearm, buy a new sidearm or exchange it at the armory.
  • Saluting and proper address of superiors is mandatory. Officers (Commander, Major, and Brigadier) are to be saluted and addressed as ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ accordingly. NCO personnel (sergeant or sergeant major) is to be addressed as ‘sergeant’ or ‘sergeant major’, but not saluted.
  • The Commander, and other officers generally, is advised to address those under them by either rank or last name, or both.
  • Exceptions to saluting are:
    • When in combat situations.
    • When not wearing a cover.

Rules of Engagement

As with any military unit, rules of engagement are necessary to best defend the colony and act in a manner that best reflects the professionalism of the Blackshield.

Gate Operations

Due to close contact with Prospectors and other personnel, as well as being the main entrance to the colony, the Gate and the Fence are important to protect, patrol, and operate around. The gate is also the one place where the Blackshield retains limited law enforcement authority. By default there must always be at least one trooper, corpsman, or the sergeant at the gate. The gate is to remain bolted on both sides at all times when troopers are present. When people arrive, unlock the side they are on and allow them to come through, then bolt the door again to allow them to be searched without fear of their running away.

All command staff are authorized to depart the colony of their own volition and have access to the doors as a result. Non-command staff have no access, barring the Prospectors who also have access. They should be allowed through if they wish to leave. When individuals are leaving the gate, bound for the forest, they are not necessary to search and it’s advisable to not search them unless there’s reasonable suspicion of contraband. Notify them that they will be searched on return, however.

On returning, all individuals must be searched. This includes the Commander, Warrant Officer, other Blackshield, and other Marshals. A full search is authorized from the start, including the bag, pockets, wallets, boxes, and other storage items. If they refuse to comply, cuffing them for the search is authorized. If contraband is found in the bag, detainment is authorized and the individual must be requested, first, to voluntarily allow cuffing. If they refuse, forced cuffing is authorized. After detainment and a full search, alert the Marshals to the detainment, move the individual to the gate cell, and await arrival of the Marshals to allow them to take custody of the individual. If the individual in question with contraband is a member of Blackshield or the Marshals, and they didn’t report that they were bringing contraband for destruction or holding, the relevant command should be notified and previous procedure followed.

Patrols must be carried out along the fence every few minutes to ensure that the fence itself is intact and there are no hostile creatures at the perimeter. In the event of a hole in the fence, call for the Guild to mend it, then stand guard. Ensure that all on the Security channel are notified of the damage. Take note of the hole in the fence. If it was a clean cut, someone likely cut in or out. If the broken grille is visible, it may have been a creature but was also likely someone breaking in or out. Movement to blue alert may be necessary.

Relationship with the Marshals and the Colony

The relationship with the Marshals is one of cooperation. The Blackshield provides the external security, and the Marshals the internal. They are two parts of the colony’s defense, and should work together when it comes to said defense. The Commander and the Warrant Officer, both command staff, are expected to work together, share resources as needed, share comms, and be willing to reach out to the other if needed.

However, the main difference between the two is that the Blackshield is not empowered to enforce colony law. Even with the lack of Marshals on shift, the Blackshield is to refrain from interfering in internal policing. Military intervention in civil legal matters is likely to result in more problems than solutions, and the heavy weapons used by the Blackshield are more likely to cause harm than compliance.

And yet, the relationship between the Marshals and Blackshield must be kept in mind. Under certain circumstances, Blackshield is authorized to aid the Marshals, or act as internal law enforcement. If the Warrant Officer, or other Marshal personnel, requests Blackshield assistance to augment their manpower, or to deal with high risk suspects, the Commander or Sergeant can and should authorize Blackshield_Troopers to aid the Marshals, but is not required to do so. In such circumstances, the Marshals they accompany are their temporary superiors. The Warrant Officer is not to command Blackshield to act in lieu of a Commander or Sergeant, but Blackshield_Troopers can and should, but are not required to, willingly assist using their own initiative. In the event that there is a severe external threat to the colony (ex. Xenomorph swarms), the Commander is able to request Marshal assistance to supplement their manpower. As with the opposite, the Warrant Officer can and should authorize Marshal assistance, but is not required to do so. Any Marshals that assist are placed under temporary Blackshield orders.

Likewise, the Commander is not to command the Marshals in lieu of a Warrant Officer. Marshals can and should, but are not required to, willingly assist using their own initiative.

Blackshield is authorized to perform internal law enforcement, due to the high threat level involved, in the following situations if there are no Marshals:

  • Internal Xenomorph attacks
  • Use of Excelsior technology, equipment, and/or weapons
  • Hostage situations and high crimes (ex. Mutiny, Terrorism, Murder)
  • Other unusual situations that require military assistance.

Other command staff may request Blackshield assistance where applicable. For example, a Chief Research Overseer requesting soldiers to help protect a high-risk dig site may be authorized at the discretion of the Commander or Sergeant. If neither exist, Blackshield_Troopers can willingly assist, but are recommended not to unless prudent.

Prospector requests for Blackshield escorts are always to be ignored if a Commander or Sergeant are not on shift. If either are on shift, it’s recommended that such requests be denied.

In regards to the armory, the Supply Specialist is the controller of the armory. They are a Marshal. When it comes to the armory, their word is law. They are responsible for handing out weapons, keeping everything stocked and inventoried, and running the shop. While the Commander and Sergeant have access, the Supply Specialist is to be respected. If they tell you to leave, you leave. Failure to comply leaves you open to legal ramifications.

In lieu of a Warrant Officer or Supply Specialist, the Sergeant and Commander can use the armory as necessary, but shouldn’t loot all the weapons at will. Good order should be kept, and removal and addition of items should be logged in case a Supply Specialist comes on shift. In regards to the armory shop, the Sergeant or Commander can, but is not required to, open the shop for single sales on request if both the Warrant Officer and Supply Specialist are missing. Both have other jobs and should not man the shop permanently. In the event of a code red involving external threats, permission should be obtained from the Supply Specialist before heading into the armory and taking equipment, if there is one. If there isn’t, ensuring that all items remain in the hands of Blackshield and Marshals is paramount. Do not hand off armory items to non-Blackshield or non-Marshal personnel.

Grooming, Physical, and Mental Standards

In order to maintain a professional appearance, all Blackshield troopers are expected to comply with a set of grooming standards. While not all standards are applicable across all species, there will be species specific standards for grooming. All species must meet physical and mental standards at all times.

Physical Standards

  • All Blackshield_Troopers are expected to be physically fit. While species variations, height variations, and weight variations exist, all must have limited fat, be in a conditionable state.
  • Those that do not meet this standard may be accepted on a training basis and put through rigorous dieting and conditioning to meet minimum standards where they will then enter basic training.
  • All Blackshield_Troopers are to have no major physical deformities with examples including, but not limited to: scoliosis, heart defects, club foot.
  • All Blackshield_Troopers are expected to meet basic physical requirements in regards to body structure. They must be a baseline of their species, and have no major physical alterations.
  • Examples include but are not limited to: More than the standard number of eyes, more than a standard number of internal organs, unusual facial structure,
  • Cindarites get a case by case exemption due to the variety of mutations.

Mental Standards

  • All Blackshield_Troopers must pass all mental exams as provided by Soteria. Any potentially dangerous psychological ailments will result in a permanent medical discharge.
  • Examples of dangerous conditions include but are not limited to: Depression, Sociopathy, Psychopathy.
  • Grooming Standards
  • Male hair must be kept down to a close cut, no more than three inches in length. It cannot go past the nape of the neck.
  • Female hair must meet the same male standards, or be pulled in a bun. Length cannot be beyond the shoulders.
  • Facial hair must not extend beyond the corners of the mouth. Facial hair is permissible so long as it maintains a clean, kempt, and professional appearance.
  • In order to qualify, the beard may not extend further than one inch beyond the eyes from the center and sides of the face, nor greater than one inch below the chin. This is necessary to ensure a proper, sealed environment when donning any self-contained breathing apparatus or filtration mask.
  • Hair must have only natural colors for one's species. Dyed hair is prohibited.
  • Tattoos are authorized, however they are to be concealed while in uniform.

Abhuman/Kriosan/Sablekyne/Naramad/Akula Grooming Standards

  • Due to the prevalence of abhumans and other races within the Blackshield, of all types, special care has been taken to ensure that additional grooming standards are enforced. As well as the above general standards for all human Blackshield_Troopers, the following standards must be applied to all abhumans regardless of species base.
  • Main body fur must be either shaved down to no more than two inches in length. Keeping the fur well kept and well groomed is acceptable.
  • All fur must be of a natural coloration. Fur dyes are not allowed.
  • Skin must also be of a natural coloration, in regards to the Akula primarily.

Cht’mant Grooming Standards

  • Brightly colored body parts, such as skin, wings, hair, abdomens, and antennae must be recolored or covered while on duty.
  • Large wings are not recommended due to interference with safety equipment. Removal is not required. If they don’t interfere with the equipment, they are acceptable.
  • Antennae, if protruding at great length, must be made to rest safely within a helmet.

Mar’qua Grooming Standards

  • Sensitive areas, i.e. gills and nasal slits, need to be covered by headtails
  • Mar’qua with headtails longer than shoulders are not to be allowed into standard duty.
  • All brightly coloured body parts, if applicable, are to be covered by clothing, including use of balaclavas while on active patrol.

Uniform Standards and Guide As a proper military force, Blackshield_Troopers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. To further that, the worn uniform must follow the following guidelines and be in compliance with the chart.

Utility Uniform Guidelines Most flexible uniform style. The Utility is able to be used in all conditions and has far fewer restrictions on what can go on it or with it. As with general colony security dress code, green, black, and blue uniforms are authorized. Standard clothing is: Jackboots, blue-black blackshield gorka. For the purposes of defining ‘standard’ the green blackshield gorkas and cadet gorkas are considered standard. The Sergeant’s drill instructor uniform is also standard. Alternative uniforms are authorized, namely the navy, grey, and green utility uniforms. (found in the Loadout tab, under Security in character setup). If alternative uniforms are used, including the Drill Instructor’s uniform for the sergeant, covers of the same color scheme are authorized. If the navy, green, or grey fatigues are used, the corresponding cover is optional for wear inside the colony, but required outside (found under the security tab as well). Rank shoulder boards go on the utility uniform of whichever form the individual opts for.

Service Uniform Guidelines The service uniform meant for jobs where strenuous work is not expected, such as light duties and desk jobs. They are NOT to be worn in the field, and can be worn on gate duty if caution is taken to swap uniforms in the event of a heightened alert or fighting at the gate. Standard clothing is: Black laceup shoes, service uniform with a navy tie. The rank boards go on the uniform. There is no mandatory cover for the service uniform. Nor is there a coat. Backpacks are not to be worn. You’re a soldier, not a schoolboy. Satchels are allowed due to minimal interference with the uniform. Blackshield arm patch (under accessories in loadout) is authorized for wear. It goes on the coat if worn, or the uniform if no coat.

Dress Uniform Guidelines

  • The dress uniform is the most formal uniform of the Blackshield and consists mainly of the dress jacket and white dress cover. Only a handful of situations allow for use of the dress uniform - funerals, award ceremonies, and similar - and therefore it’s to be kept in a locker at all times unless stated otherwise.
  • Standard clothing is: Black laceup shoes, service uniform with navy tie, white dress cover, dark blue dress jacket.
  • The service uniform (the pants and shirt) can be worn as the service uniform and is exempted from the rule on not wearing the dress uniform.
  • Unlike other uniforms, all parts are required.
  • Ranks go on the coat.
  • A sword is optional, so long as the Blackshield_Trooper in question has a scabbard in good condition to go with one. The only swords authorized are sabers and cutlasses.
  • No backpacks or satchels are allowed with the dress uniform due to its ceremonial purpose.
  • Blackshield arm patch (under accessories in loadout) is authorized for wear. It goes on the coat.

Rank Structure and Duties

Unlike modern military forces, the Blackshield uses a simplified rank system due to its smaller size, and to prevent excessive friction from a large number of ranks when there may be little functional difference between them (for example, a lance corporal versus a private first class).

In ascending order, the standard ranks are as follows. Red roles are special, non-standard roles for events: Cadet/Volunteer -> Blackshield_Trooper -> Corpsman -> Sergeant -> Sergeant Major -> Commander -> Major -> Brigadier Cadet/Volunteer

Those that volunteer for Blackshield service are given the blank red shoulder boards to clearly separate them from the rest of the Blackshield_Troopers. These cadets are expected to be put through their paces while on duty. At the end of any training day, due to not being formally inducted into the Blackshield, the cadet must turn their boards in and get them again the next training day.

In a severe emergency, off duty Blackshield personnel on the surface levels may be pressed into service voluntarily. They, too, are to be given blank tabs to designate them as temporarily active Blackshield personnel. If there are no off-duty Blackshield available, the tabs designate “official” non-Blackshield volunteers. Blackshield_Trooper

The backbone of the Blackshield, the average trooper is not a remarkable individual specimen, not an elite soldier, but they are a volunteer and a professional soldier. Well trained, disciplined, and an unbreakable defender of the colony - or so says the recruitment posters - the average Blackshield_Trooper comes from any walk of life and any background and fight together to protect their new home.

Ultimately, the Blackshield_Trooper will fulfill every necessary task within the Blackshield. From gate duty to rescue operations and combat operations, the Blackshield_Trooper is meant to be flexible and can specialize in non-medical fields. But, much like the Marines of old, every Blackshield_Trooper is a rifleman and everyone is expected to fight when needed. The process of training and potential promotion from Cadet to Blackshield_Trooper is unofficially called “Earning the stripes” in reference to Blackshield_Troopers gaining the privilege of wearing not only the striped shoulder boards of a trooper, but also plate carriers, helmets, backpacks, and armbands which bear the signature blue and white stripes of the regiment. Corpsman

Officially higher ranking the Blackshield_Trooper, the rank difference is ultimately irrelevant. Similar to a Lance Corporal compared to a Private First Class, one is more senior but doesn’t really have command authority. The one exception to this rule is in the event the Corpsman in question is currently posted in the Infirmary, or if they are operating within a designated field hospital, in which even a Commander may legally be ordered to remain until treatment is completed, and any uninjured personnel may be lawfully ordered to leave. The added rank is meant to show that the Corpsman is a specialist in their field and has likely been in the Blackshield longer than most Blackshield_Troopers. In an emergency where all higher ranks are lost, the Corpsman is likely too busy to assume command however.

The duties of the Corpsman are simple: Keep the soldiers alive, or stabilize and evacuate them in situations where they have suffered extreme injuries. In emergency situations, field surgery may be necessary. In emergencies, they may be ordered to assist Medical in treating the dead and wounded and not always be at the front line. Sergeant

The highest standard enlisted rank in the regiment, the Sergeant is primarily responsible for organizing any patrols and response teams as per Standard Operating Procedure and/or the Commander’s orders. The Sergeant is also responsible for general enforcement of the Uniform Code of Military Justice within the enlisted ranks and, provided all other responsibilities are being handled, training Cadets and Volunteers. In situations where the Commander is not present or otherwise unavailable to oversee operations, the Sergeant is expected and required to assume command in their stead.

Other duties of the Sergeant include serving as the armorer to ensure that all Blackshield personnel always have at least their standard-issue weapons, armor, and munitions available to them, and serving as a support officer in command of any forward positions to enhance the force projection of the regiment by assisting the Commander in actively directing the troops. Sergeant Major

Similar to the Major, the Sergeant Major is one of a handful of enlisted personnel that can be considered an authority on discipline and field operations. The Sergeant Majors are used to aid in training newer sergeants and enforcing general discipline across the Regiment as a whole. There’s no single Sergeant Major that’s given a more senior rank (i.e. Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps), as the organization isn’t large enough to require one.

Rarely a Sergeant Major may arrive on the surface to oversee the shift sergeant, provide guidance, and aid in organizing exercises and drills with the permission of the shift commander. Unlike the Major, the Sergeant Major answers to the commander should they attempt to interfere too much, but otherwise is primarily a semi-independent observer of both the troopers and sergeants to be able to provide feedback and training, while the shift sergeant runs any operations.

A Sergeant Major may make weekly visits in order to offer squad tactical training to troopers, or help to train specialists like Corpsmen. In this event, additional troopers may be deployed in order to permit this training without interfering with the colony’s defensive capabilities. Such circumstances will be announced, and the Commander has the final say on allowing the on duty troopers to participate. Commander

The shift commander of the Blackshield, effectively the equivalent of a Second Lieutenant by traditional military ranks. The Commander’s primary duty is to oversee the day’s operations, patrols, and activities. While they should rely on their sergent for disciplinary matters and field command, the Commander is responsible for direction and issuing commands. The Commander should be well versed in field tactics, be able to prepare combat operations, know what equipment is necessary, and then, in special circumstances, lead the unit from the front. This is not a desk jockey’s job, and resting on one's limited laurels will earn you no true respect. Major

A mid-tier officer’s rank within the Blackshield, marking a senior commander with additional responsibilities overseeing day to day operations. The Majors may be assigned to desk work where they oversee training, operations, after action reports, and other such paperwork from afar. Their job is mostly done in the background and there are only a handful in service currently to oversee under-colony operations and surface operations.

Rarely a Major may arrive on the surface to oversee the shift commander’s actions and that of their troops to ensure they are combat ready, and advise the commander on changes in standards and discipline. While on the surface, they are not to act as commanders, but merely observers.

Under special circumstances, the Major may be required to come to the surface in situations where the Commander has committed any violation of the Code of Uniform Justice, if the situation cannot be resolved by the Council. Brigadier

The Commander of the Blackshield, Brigadier Ayanda Mwangi, runs the entire unit and is in overall command. Everyone ultimately answers to him. He does not often show himself on the surface, so the chance of meeting them is extremely limited.

The Council

The council is made up of each faction head of staff and the premier (who is usually a volunteer head of staff who chose to take a shift as the premier). A decision from the council has absolute authority and precedence over all other decisions, regulations, and rules except during a code red or code delta scenario (the brigadier/blackshield commander supersedes the council in these scenarios). Members of the council are given only a small set of rules that apply during any council vote or decision.

  • All heads of staff must respect a decision made by the council and follow said decision. Issues with a vote can be taken to provost marshal Boris via faxes as he presides over much of the legality on the colony, but must still be followed even when contested.
  • All heads of staff are required to vote yay or nay during a decision. Any head of staff that refuses to make a decision or abstains is to be demoted on the spot. This is not negotiable, you are a leader and expected to make choices, especially hard choices. Those who are demoted three times from a head position for abstaining from a vote will be permanently barred from any head of staff position unless an appeal is made.
  • Only the warrant officer, blackshield commander, premier, and steward are required to remain on the colony at all times except when aiding in the colonies defense or colonists safety. Other heads of staff may come and go at their discretion but should always inform the council and their staff team should they leave outside radio range. A head of staff may elect a member of their staff team to make decisions in their absence up to and including council votes, in all other cases, they should be contacted and retrieved before council votes are made.
  • All council members and by extension heads of staff must be at least thirty terran years of age or older. Heads of staff found to be younger than thirty are to be demoted due to not fulfilling the basic requirements of the job. The only exception to this rule is the expedition foreman, who may be of any age.

Demoting Staff

In the event of a head of staff desires the demotion of a staff member in their faction they must meet one of the following criteria.

  1. Dereliction of Duty, the subject in question failed to perform there job duty at the bare minimum satisfaction.
  2. Negligence, the subject in question performed a grossly incompetent action while on duty that result in injury, loss of life, damages, or loss of property.
  3. Criminal activity, the subject in question performed a orange or red paragraph crime in which they were successfully convicted of.
  4. Failure to execute an order, the subject willfully and knowingly defied a valid order from their respective head of staff. Note that this only covers valid orders pertaining to their department, a head of staff could enforce a no smoking policy on his staff inside medical but not outside of medical.

All valid demotions from a head of staff are recorded and noted in an employee file. Employees who have been demoted three times from their respective faction will be permanently demoted and unable to take work in any positions within that department. Not all demotions are considered valid and they should be recorded with the proper paperwork using a dismissal form before being faxed to their respective faction owner for review.

Heads of staff may be demoted by a council vote and approval from the respective faction owner using a demotion form and proper signature from a premier or, if one is not present, the steward. Lacking both, the signature may remain blank.

How to order an execution

In the rare and unfortunate event that a crew member has committed a crime in which execution is considered a certain criteria must be met in order for the execution to be valid.

  1. Assuming the person in question is successfully convicted and placed within the brig a premier must be present to arbitrate the crime to first ensure that the conviction is entirely valid with appropriate evidence and witnesses.
  2. A premier and at minimum three heads of staff must be present for a execution vote to be made. An execution vote may be called by any head of staff except for the premier. Once called all members must meet and discuss the case, all evidence, and what should be done.
  3. For an execution to be considered valid upon finishing discussion of the case all heads of staff must vote unanimously for execution and then sign and stamp a document that will be faxed to whichever faction owner presides over the prisoner. A reply will then be made back approving said execution.
  4. The prisoner is then executed in accordance to Marshal policy once approved by the relevant faction owner.

Foreigner Treatment

The authority of the Colony ends currently at the electrified fence. Laws still apply to all colonists even outside the fenced area, however they do not apply to foreigners as long as long as they remain outside the colony. Circumstances may change this.


Allies of the Colony are granted the same rights as a normal colonists. They may enter and leave and are subject to searches at the Gatehouse, Laws and Departmental SOP (if applicable). Allies of the colony are permitted to not have an ID on them, however it is encouraged to grant them a Guest Pass. Any ally of the colony may move freely inside the colonies public areas including the bar and kitchen (customer area), which should always be accessible to them unless they commit a crime there at which point it may be applied to them. Yellow paragraph crimes do not have to be reported to the High Council. If a debt of an allied member cannot be paid a fax should be sent to the Void Wolf Alliance or High Council for other factions. Any orange or higher paragraph crime must be reported to Boris Kilmaede immediately and additional measures may be taken against the person. All allied members are entitled to unlimited free life-saving treatment and unlimited free treatment regarding serious injury. Other injuries should be charged accordingly. If an allied member misbehaves, causes issues or plans to act against the Colony the High Council should be informed immediately. Due to possible diplomatic issues, strong evidence must be gathered or avaliable BEFORE a fax is send. If an allied member turns hostile they should be ideally captured alive or revived and kept under watch while the High Council is informed. Making an allied member unrevivable even after they committed a hostile crime is considered a terroristic act as it may immensely cripple diplomatic relations. This is ignored if the unrevivable injury is sustained through combat.

Neutral/Unknown Factions

These factions may have been hostile in the past or their allegiances are unknown. While it is best to find out their allegiance, they may keep this secret or their faction is unknown to the colony. Some neutral factions are indifferent or outright will ignore the colony. Hostile attempts may be stopped lethally or non-lethally. Neutral Factions that are not invited inside the colony do not have any rights or protection from the law, however a colonist going out of their way to potentially harm relationship with a neutral faction may face a terrorism charge. Any HOSTILE encounter with a neutral faction should be reported to the high council immediately. If a HOSTILE neutral person is taking alive they should be treated as a Hold until Transfer Prisoner until a decision is made by the High Council. Depending on severety this decision may be delegated to the council (head of departments).

If a peaceful or non-hostile neutral faction or person wishes to enter the colony, the council should be informed and are expected to make a decision within 15 minutes of the arrival. It is recommended the person is to be searched and asked for their business inside the colony. If the council cannot come to a unanimous decision a vote may be held with the premier as a tie-breaker vote only to let the individual in or not. If let in they are allowed to move at least freely in between the fenced area and the entrance of the colony (colony entrance/church to wall/gatehouse). All other public access should be discussed first, however every department head is allowed to give them access to their own department for any reason at anytime (only applicable if they were let in at the first place). It is recommended, however not enforced, that a neutral person is given some free medical treatment and food or access to the kitchen customer area. Bartering and Trading is encouraged. Due to the fact that a neutral person may not be aware of the colony laws and contraband policies, they may not be charged with bringing in any illegal equipment. Depending on circumstances these may be either confiscated or held at the Gate until the neutral party wishes to leave. This rule is suspended in case of excelsior equipment at which point they are to be treated as a hostile faction. If a neutral faction willingly commits any crime inside the colony or towards a colonist outside the colony they should be seen as Hold until Transfer and the High Council should be informed. If such a person becomes violent and cannot be detained peacefully, lethals are authorized. Unless another order is given a neutral member that turns hostile is not to be revived.

In case two neutral factions fight each other, the colony may decide to join and help either or neither. This should be decided by the council, but other colonists have a right to have their say in the matter too.

Known Hostile Factions

Unless a member of a hostile faction wishes to engage in peaceful negotation or is surrendering, they are considered to be Shoot on Sight. This applies to unarmed non-surrendering hostiles. If their presence is known to any colonist, it should be repored to the Blackshield which in turn should alert all colonists. Increasing the alert status to blue is appropriate. A killed hostile faction member should never be revived unless there is a good reason such as thinking they have important intel or are a valuable target. A critically wounded enemy may be captured alive at the order of the highest ranking combat member or if the council decides to do so. Enemy bodies are not to be dismembered or abused - going against this order is a crime of disrespect for the dead. They may be looted freely by any colonist. Hostile bodies should be left where they were killed unless inside the colony. If they were killed inside the colony they should be transported a decent distance outside the colony. These rule does not apply to enemies that can regenerate from death. Any captured hostile enemy should be treated as "Hold until Transfer" and the High Council should be informed of the situation. Anyone abusing prisoners, regardless of their faction, should be charged with battery/assault/attempted murder/murder. Depending on the reason for such a retaliation the amount of time spend in prison may be reduced or completely waived, however a temporary ban of carrying weapons should be applied. This is at the discretion of the council and especially warrant officer. If there is a disagreement Boris Kilmaede should be informed.

Any excelsior agent that is captured alive should have their implant removed. If removal is successful they are to be treated as a neutral faction. The council should deliberate how to treat the individual in question. It is recommended, but not necessary, to run a psychological evaluation.

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Starter Medical Engineering Science Security Random